Chinese Rotovape Question

Hey guys! Would appreciate your advices on Chinese evaporators. What do you think about this Chinese 20L ? anyone using a similar one? What are you guys pulling per hr?

We received one couple days ago.
Have done first run today. 40 liters of winterized crude. Started at 40 degreez, 30 rpm. After 10 hours finished at about 74 degreez and 120rpm. 3.5kg of full spectrum cbd. What do you guys think? We probably doing something wrong, aren’t we?

Also have this waxy oily leftovers on the top of the filter. Do you guys know the way it could be converted into money?image

I use that 20liter Chinese roto and we got 1liter/10 min right out of the crate.

Wash it there’s still alot of cannabinoids in there.