China bans synthetic cannabinoids


Fuck china


Could not say it better myself


This is a good thing. When we talk about synthetic cannabinoids, many just think of “hemp-derived” Delta-8 but for years there have been designer cannabinoids that rival the effects of heroin. We don’t see it quite as much here in the states (lately, at one time they were common in headshops) but this has been a huge issue in a lot of other countries where cannabis is less available and legislation on synthetic designer drugs is slower to respond. This will just increase demand for real cannabis products again.


This means literally nothing their just listing specific compounds organic chemists probably have thousands of compounds sitting ready to go. At the very least they will just export precursors like they did with fent. China gives 2 shits about what drugs the rest of the world desires from them. As long as prohibition exists these markets will thrive.


I wonder if they consider D8 synthetic as we all have learnt on this sight is a natural molecule or the hemp plant……


damn no more sgt or ab funica,

what will the the people do

edit: ap237 is banned in china and i personally know some labs over there still synthing. they dont give a damn over there. its figgity FUCKED


You would think that folks on this board would recognize that a government banning something doesn’t mean it wont be produced/distributed/sold.


This is more of a blanket ban on “all synthetic cannabinoids” so they wouldn’t even be able to act on the same receptors. That’s not so easy to skirt around the rules.

For all of the other designer drugs added, yes, they will quickly be replaced by similar/pro drugs.

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I mean I know the folks doing this stuff overseas personally, we like to share data sometimes.

I got nothing against the black market; I just dont think they should be producing morphine-grade opi analogs and sell them for $30 a g… thats fucking crazy to me.

Let alone HU-210… some of this stuff isnt that harmful while some of it will kill you if you get a whiff of it. Thats the real issue imo.

Edit: they just might be producing d8… nobody knows


That’s a good thing actually. @Roguelab keeps pushing this dirty shit for all while playing Saint Clean D8 on here lol

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That’s a bit farfetched to claim he’s playing saint.
He’s helping Americans out with their current legal concerns. Not his own. He doesn’t shy off the subject he works on powerful synthetics. I still appreciate his talents and input sincerely.


I bet you legalization of real natural Thc delta 9 in Germany within 5 years reason
We pushed governments to panic with the synthetic I fight on all grounds and I know you find me a fool but my tactics make more sence than you realize


I have nothing to do with
Grams make no diffrance tons do :wink:


Send some of that panic this way. I want the natural stuff to be available in Texas more than I want d8.


Sending people to emergency rooms and psychiatric wards all over Europe on purpose and thinking you are doing something positive is incredibly stupid.

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CosmicBandit to the rescue

Thinking you know RogueLab makes you look twice as stupid.

Nevermind that d8 is synthetically made and in illegal states taking advantage of it’s similarities to d9…

:rofl::popcorn: The big bad German.


I never claimed to know him.
I have always appreciated Roguelabs posts, but this statement of his I find simply stupid and dangerous. And I´m not talking about d8 at all, I´m talking about the HUs and JWHs, Funaca ect which became a real threat to public health here in the EU.
Nowadays sprayed flowers are quite common and its hard to find cannabis flowers which are not treated at all and people are often not even aware of that. There are kids who grow up smoking synthetic cannabinoids thinking thats the real “haze”.

To stand here now and brag about with how many tons of chemical waste you have fucked the entire European cannabis market to force a legalization is pathetic.

The numbers in the psychiatric hospitals and rehab centers for cannabis are skyrocketing, and the problem is that authorities don´t and can´t differentiate anymore between “classic natural” cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids. For them “cannabis” is currently becoming a major public health issue.

Are they going to react on that with a legalisation or a crackdown on for example CBD flowers (which are often used as basis) and anything hemp related?

RogueLab bets on option1 , I have my doubts.

Btw I’m not german just lived in Berlin couple of months.


First of all I am not responsible for all synthetic cannabinoids on the market
I will not work with flourinated noids
Second wars have casualties sad but treu
I have spend most of my life in the natural noid space making virtually no impact on the system We can sit like sheep and wait for ever to be heard or get there attention and force a direction force desisions
Disisions not based on big pharma solutions but made by the people


Just like what’s happening with d8…

You think they can close Pandora’s box now?