This is extremely helpful!
For the Cryodex Tab, is the 150, 250, 500, 1000 figures representing liters or gallons?
Gallons. Original data here:
Thank you!
CuredSociety - competition is good for the consumer, and there’s no doubt this industry is booming for us chiller manufacturers.
Thermonics also has some chiller options for you - a variety of -40, -60, and -80C low temp chillers, you can see models and data sheets here:
We specialize in low temperature applications.
Good Luck!
that is in Gallons
Did you succeed to get one? I’ve one available. Just hmu (my WhatsApp) +166 9209-7836
I got some quotes from two really cool companies that have high-capacity outdoor coil recirculating units, they both use that expensive dynalene HC-50 stuff and off the shelf, they’ll do -40 but they’ll retrofit the orifice plate to get down to -60 without voiding any warranties on the compressor.
G&D Chillers - Model GD7H-1LC for $37k, I think it’ll do 15,000BTUs at -40
Fluid Chillers - Model-AIR12,000-ULT-2ST-480/3-OUT for $60k, 16,000BTUs, similar spec but more knowledgeable engineers and flexibility.
Pair either with an (insulated) jacketed fermentation tank and an agitator and you’ll be cookin with gas. Either can have the dynalene reservoir de-coupled from the outdoor coil and placed inside to save weight on your roof if need be. Super nice looking units, both companies will pretty much build whatever spec you give them.
Is the -40 rating on the Delta Cup 15 a rating just for the jacket or will I run into issues starting with a -70 keg of EtOH? Was thinking about doing a -70 run or even just flushing the system with -70 to get it cold at first then switch to a -40 keg for the actual extraction (first sock always warms the EtOH the most as it chills the delta vessel itself).
Am I incorrect in thinking the -40 rating is just for the jacket? Trying to do some get good results to back up my desire to want to purchase a chiller for the jacket, just want to make sure I’m not going to damage the machine with some -70 EtOH.