Chiller recommendation for small BZB

To maximize the efficiency of the pair, yes. But err on the side of a stronger heater to not waste cooling power and cost.

Incidentally, our full-auto eFFE PLC will find the stronger of the two, maximize the weaker one’s output, and tell you how strong each of them are. We can test chillers and heaters with it. FUN :star_struck:

Enthalpy of Vaporization/Condensation: equal and opposite energy at the same pressure. Our stuff is all isobaric because we don’t use compressors. So equal and opposite power. Same as a rotovap.

I agree with the premise of the statement! But in general chillers are more expensive than heating. I would say that your heating should match or exceed your chilling in kW. Choose your chiller power based on how much you want to condense per minute.

Heater is hammer, chiller is anvil…

In theory you should have a low-temp chiller after that to set the liquid vapor-pressure sink at 1-2 psia.

If anyone has questions about spec’ing chillers, especially if they are already a BEEST Wrangler, holler at me directly please: 206-960-1665. :dragon:

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Heyyyy :wave:t4:
If you haven’t already bought the chiller, hit me up! I like to spec chillers for our products so that they work well together. We have a bunch of alternatives to Huber that are cheaper per kW and get the job done!

Hit me up directly on my text-machine if you don’t mind: 206-960-1665. :dragon:

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You want about 7kw heating per lb of butane per minute and the same for chiller rating at a temp that goes below the boiling point.

I.E 1 lb of butane recovered per min = 7kw heating and 7kw cooling at 32 or below

I’d also consider adding 20% to your chiller kw so your chiller isn’t constantly being worked at max capacity and you have a little room in case the temp in your shop changes