So I have a -80c Touch Science Chiller. I’m not sure I trust its pump enough to handle running the coolant lines 40 feet to my C1D1 Booth, Into the system and 40 feet back. Unfortunately I can not move the chiller. So my thought is to Run the chiller to a heat exchanger the run coolant through the heat exchanger and hard pipe it to the booth and back.
Anyone have and idea on a fluid pump that can handle the -80c and the power necessary to move it there & back again (Bilbo Baggins Joke)
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Have you tried putting a pressure gauge or flowmeter at the system you need cooled?
Tbh I’d be more concerned about just how much cooling capacity you’ll actually have and how well insulated your lines are before I started worrying about the pump
It is a DLSB-300/80 Pretty massive chiller.
But that is also why I was thinking of doing it this way. I could cover the heat exchanger in dry ice to increase cooling ability.
I don’t know if this helps you any but-
You can make your own semi-cryo tubing to keep your thermal loss at a minimum by using ridge metal tubing then using another tube a bit bigger and insert the smaller tube inside of it put the smaller tube centering the smaller tube with washers on either end. You weld the washers to both center tube and outer tube. Outer tube should have a hole drilled into it and a valve much the same as an ac gas filling valve welded on to that hole. You vacuum the space between the two tubes and you wrap everything in insulation. You can connect as many tubes as you want to that way, and voila you have very heat efficient way to transport liquids over larger distances.
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I’ve certainly lost the circulation pump in one.
I recall the replacement pump looking better, but still not being impressive. Wasn’t being listened to at the time, so didn’t bother recommending something different
If you are going to go to the trouble of sourcing a decent pump, then put it inside the machine or bypass the machines internal pump. No point having two pumps and a heat exchanger and the associated losses
I’m a cheap bastard so when I got an an offer to purchase an insanely cheap recirculating chiller that has a bad pump that basically cannot be replaced I just hooked up a cheap ass pump off on eBay and it’s been working for I think close to 4 years now. It’s not working at really low temperatures but I would imagine it’s just a question of putting the right pump to it.
I’ve got a number of the stainless head version of the above pump. They’re shockingly decent for the price. Haven’t used them in really cold spots yet but that’s a darn good idea…