I am currently looking for cooling systems.
Have an offer from Julabo and Huber. Unfortunately, the 2 are too expensive to start with. On the other hand, you can be sure that these will work.
Has anyone had any experience with Linbel? (Chinese manufacturer)
If anyone knows a cheap cooling solution, please tell me. (I would like to do without dry ice)
I found Julabo to be great - low maintenance and wide range if you are doing R&D stuff. Maybe you can get a used one from someone? I used chillers from all over, the cheaper they are the more energy they cost and the more often you have to stop for maintenance. So please consider those things when thinking about upfront costs.
And don’t forget freight costs - cause they like to hide that stuff from you and all the sudden you just bought crap for 80% of the price of something good, that’s half as efficient. x.X
Which model did you use?
I am looking for a dlsb 100/80 or 100/40
Which Refrigerant do you use / did you get? Standard R404 ?
I need to take something other like R32 becase of european law. (GPW of Refrigerant must be below 2500)
We have a variety of systems, 9 air cooled models, 9 water cooled models, and an LN2 cooled chiller - they all have different advantages depending on what you’re trying to do.
Depending on what model Huber you are looking for and your budget, I have a Unistat 815 for sale in Colorado, under power, trying to get $30500 OBO for it.