Chemotype Circle/Chart?

I saw a circle and chart of cannabis chemotypes starting with land races and showing outcrosses, but can’t find the graph now. Does anyone have it as a resource?

Thank you,


The nomenclature of cannabis correct?

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No, not that one.

It starts with land race, then landrace crosses, and relatively modern hybrids are in the outer ring.

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Ive got a poster, hold on ill take a pic


This what u need?
Sorry theres ducting in the way


Apparently where to find the poster!

That’s very close, but not what I was looking for. Something like this but strain names?


Here’s the image file of your poster:


This graphic sucks, but a little closer maybe


Yes, that’s definitely closer. Thanks for your Google-Fu! I couldn’t find those!


That’s sick. Saving this for sure


Going a little more obtuse, here is a terpene chart, their supposed synergistic effect, and example strains.



Love this thread. Wonder if these strains circulate close to original genetics under modern names or if they are lost forever.


Tbh not alot of landraces have a particularly enticing smell to them and alot of the strains pulled out of those genetics have been heavily selected for something that stood out from the crowd. (Besides afghani, that thing is stannky)
Does it represent them yes, but they are still far away from genetically being identical.

ALOT of the original land races have been contaminated with pollen from non natives bringing back some genetics to grow at home.
Theres also huge companies out in morroco planting “cookies” strains out in the wild and letting their pollen fly freely.

Best landrace seeds ive gotten were from russia, a dude who collected seeds in the 60-80s and has kept the genetics alive by doing sealed open pollination rooms. Keeps the genetics broad and can then be selected and narrowed down to ur desired traits.

Ill also say i dont think they are lost forever, i think the people who do have them arent in it for the money and keep a low profile because either its highly illegal where they live or is fround upon in their family.
But anything u find in the wild these days is probably a cross between the landrace and a random cultivar someone brought over


Search the Phylos Galaxy - Phylos Bioscience?
I think they used to have a 3D map but doesnt seem to be aval now

I’ve been noticing this for a long time now. It’s harder and harder to find relevant information.

Sponsored pages, promoted blogs with same regurgitated information from one to another and sometimes with wrong information. This whole “clean” and clandestine search results bother me to no end.

We used to joke around if it’s not on the first two pages in doesn’t exist. Not anymore. Especially with IT searches, piracy and growing which is now more mainstream and obviously promotes pages with some sort of agenda/ ad/ product/ data to sell.

That’s why I think forums are back on resurgence. As it matters to algorithm from where and what you search for. has an API that you can search 29,000 strains. It’s not a circle chart, but this serves my request for information the best.


Ditto, I love this site for tracking down strain lineage. Most comprehensive family tree I’ve ever seen for each strain, even acknowledging when they don’t know the lineage 100%(they’ll write “probably” next to it)

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who needs roots on their tree?

Do you have a source?

Is that single gene?
Thca synthase?!?

Edit: guessing underlying data (at min) is from medicinal genomics based on those strain numbers.