Chemical Composition Over Time Used Cart Oil

Anyone have any HPLC/GC data for cannabinoids and terpenes, identity and concentration, of used cart oil from a recreational vendor at the following time points:

  • fresh cart (not used yet)
  • 25% of oil vaped
  • 50% of oil vaped
  • 75% of oil vaped
  • 90% of oil vaped

Used cartridges - fails? Like battery failures returned?

How much oil is required in these to make a valuable test?

Carts are .3, .5, 1.0 and more and I just killed some. So I’m curious now how you would go about receiving, only b2b returns?

Haha I’m happy to send it for science

I’ve never seen after data on already consumed products so I’ll have to request. Brilliant request however.

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Today on, failure to comprehend the subject matter…


Today on: recognizing amounts like 90% vaped … Reading it and asking further questions. So 90% is essentially my carts I won’t hit anymore. Anything else you’d like to add? @ky_cbd? Or was your energy saved up and spent because you saw I’m still existing? Must suck for your imagination. Sorry to disappoint with reality.

Remind me again: what you’re mad about? Other than wasting my time/money/resources and talking shit and then facing your own actions for all to see?

Remind me when you’re worth my time.

I recall your attorney visit. Must not have gone well.

She hasn’t sent even a “hello.”

I recall doing a helicopter, myself.


You should have been there to cam. Since you’re such a fan. @SubstituteCreature creep9000 always joining. Good to see ya. Hope things are better.

Yalls constant reading and silence speaks volumes to me. Why fuck with someone that hurts your feelings? Something I’ll never understand. Y’all keep coming back for more. Whatever helps y’all heal.

Big talk till you’re the subject matter eh? Wild how clowns go silent when they have their feelings hurt after they tried to hurt your feelings.


Like I don’t know y’all are daily subscriptions with notifications. :eyes:

When realistically I have so many relevant and unanswered questions.

I’ll repeat for the original poster @IonStorm

How much oil is required in these to make a valuable test? Are .3 carts worthless? Do you have any registered dispensary working on this recycling program?

Carts are .3, .5, 1.0 and more and I just killed some. So I’m curious now how you would go about receiving, only b2b returns? Only rec? I have a medical card and buy at rec locations… safe to say my product is good!

Recommendations for dropping off?

Haha I’m happy to send it for science

I’ve never seen after data on already consumed products so I’ll have to request. Brilliant request however.

Don’t want the relevance lost to haters. Even if you’re included. Focus is important and I’m bringing it back since moderation is comical at best.

Hey dude, I’m just asking if anyone has done any testing with the conditions described in my initial post and has the data. I am interested to know how the chemical composition of cart oil changes over time with usage. Nothing to do with battery. With the conditions I described, 50% of the oil vaped is literally someone smoking down half of a cart regardless of the cart volume, 90% would be smoking down 9/10 of the cart oil, and so forth. Usually analysis of concentrates doesn’t require much sample, maybe 50 milligrams (depends on the method) is a rough estimate. I personally don’t do any chemistry work anymore so I am not looking to do any testing. Just want to see if anyone has this data.


Next time I grab a live res cart ill run a test on the starting oil and than another test at 50%, than a final test at 90% vaped. I’ll report back with chromatograms in a few weeks


I’m interested to know as well. Would be cool to track individual terpenes or at least relative terpene percentage change as the cart is vaped. A lot of carts seem to lose the flavor as they get lower. Not sure if cannabinoids are going to be changing a whole lot but who knows.


I have a suspicion there will be some CBN formed as more oil is smoked, but very interested to see some data


I sprinkle kitty litter in each cart so it turns to D8 over time


I’d like to see that stability data with metals testing also, expanded panel, not just the big 4. Stored at different orientations too.


@kcalabs have you done any analysis of vape oil for cannabinoids degradation or conversion as the vape oil is consumed over time?

Id imagine the possibility of diels alder reactions happening between terpenes making larger and larger terpenes/terpenoids


Interesting. Im kinda shocked there isn’t more data out there about this. Intuitively I feel the composition is going to change overtime as the oil is heated and cooled, exposed to light etc. Hoping one day this industry will start seeing data driving a process instead of the other way around

My idea stems from “tribal knowledge” at a fromer employer. They always let us try the carts fresh and a day or two later. They called it curing or marinating, and it was more prevalent on specific strain blends, however it always tasted better after the hold. I always wondered if the blend was undergoing some chemistry to make new terpenes and thus flavors

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Unfortunately, no. Our instruments are always running and finding time to run these experiments just isn’t there, let alone discussion on cost. I am talking to a couple clients about doing such work though.


I am setting up an analytical lab and would be happy to share data

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If you can get someone to foot the bill for a legitimate cart stability test that would be great. I’ve designed a few stability studies for medical devices (closest thing would be inhalers). Definitely lots of factors to consider with carts aging and how to represent normal use in a study. Ifn you ever get someone to bite, I’d be up for contributing to the study design if you feel a need.

I’d say the metals leaching out of the cart would be the biggest safety concern. Possible reaction products next riskiest (cannabinoid isomers, terpene byproducts). I suppose any pesticides present could also react or even be concentrated as carts are vaped, but this risk could justifiably be left out I guess considering legit vape carts should be pesticides free.

So that’s 3 tests per time point/sample to cover the risks and you’d get potency/terpene loss data also. Number of time points, length of study?

So many options, maybe one year total and 6 points?.. T0, 7days, 30d, 90d, 180d, 1year. But who keeps a cart for a year, and don’t people actually hit them? So maybe 30d total and 6 points: T0, 1d, 5d, 10d, 20d, 30d and like 2-3 “draws” per day of the study. Would also be good to have 2x per time point, one kept inverted so oil doesn’t keep in contact with the atomizer.


Exciting stuff! Let us know when you’re at the point where you can do the stability test