Cheapest spd pump

I’m gonna try this idea when I get around to it. Safely wiring it wasn’t really a specialty of mine and it burned out.

I got my 0.9 cu ft AI acuutemp from 0 to -30 in 5 seconds. It was a wet dream and I urge people to try it out but SERIOUSLY WIRE IT CORRECTLY

Would work a 1000ml , slight maybe a 2000


I have a trivac leybold 2.5e for sale. 700+ shipping.

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No thats only good for rotovapes. U want something heavier/bigger than that for spd.
If its new and below $500, Its probablt not gonna work well. u want the pumps that are $2k+ new. Obviously buy them used if u can. I just scored a edwards e2m28 ($4k new) for $800 off ebay and was $40 short on another bid on a e2m30 that went for $900

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Alcatel 2021i is your beat bang for your $$$. But a rebuilt used will run ya 1600+. Used ebay challenge pumps can be found for 300-500.


Lanphan redirected me to that 2xz-2 pump that’s why I posted it lol

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Rotary vane vacuum pumps may be a good spin

This is literally a pile of shit

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Which one?

Anything like the kdlab stuff.

When you spend money on a pump you should expect to perform 5-10 rebuilds on it.

Why buy pumps destined to the dumpster when they need servicing.

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Have you used any of the kdlab pumps? How do they compare against an Alcatel2021i?

It’s not on same ball park. The 2021 I can do them for like 1500 prob. Rebuilt. Don’t quote me exact price. I’d have to have sales get your Addy and info for shipping and all. For spd it’s prob a bare min. The best option for a 2-5l sod is actually a e2m28/30 style pump. I have seen the most life and bang for your buck with that.


Curious about the best Edwards pump for a 20/22l SPD? Will a single E2M80 do a proper job? Could an E2M28 be used in addition as roughing pump?

What would be the best way taking down kf40 to kf25 without cutting CFM too much?

You won’t cut cfm unless it’s free blasting atmosphere. A Kf25 offers more cfm at vacuum than a 22l spd can actually give off with cfm at vacuum.


I fucking love how you casually drop these bits of knowledge


I don’t know how you get these things wrong it’s actually pretty simple. If the pump has a larger size port and you reduce it you are restricting the system conductance and available cfm. A system with greater conductance will pull deeper vacuum at higher cfm.


Oh I disagreed with him. Count down SPDking insult in 3…2…1


Only if the pump at vacuum has more to pull than avail. You are limited by bottle necks. When in volatile stages it can matter. When distilling. It’s not super harsh going from kf40 to kf25 on a 22liter