Ngl @SubstituteCreature

I’d watch this


Totally. This is what the futurists dreamed about 100 years ago. Then corporations convinced people it was actually a bad thing and that mindless labor is what gives life meaning. That mindset is going to get hit with a reality brick very shortly.


Seems to me we should be agrarian for the most part, with technology helping us to such extreme abundance that humans can afford to spend time refining creativity, excellence, etc (or the polar opposite I suppose, to each their own)


People say work gives your life meaning. And if it’s self directed work, that’s true. If it’s mindless drudgery someone is forcing you to do to survive, then it doesn’t give your life meaning. On the contrary, it causes the depression epidemic.

Above all else i hate useless jobs like the gas station attendents in Oregon. It is like they decided wellfare is ok, but only if you’re really unhappy. I would rather they just get the money from the state and fuck off than sit around doing a job that doesn’t need to be done and is actually creating inconveniences.


HAHAHAHA!!! Ok. I welcome Skynet now. This has fully convinced me to use this fucking thing like a robot fiverr where I can just keep telling it i’ll pay it next week and that I need to leave for a pack of smokes when i’ve run my tab up


i made a joke about it about 10 days ago Looking for SOP writer - #7 by nomansland thinking i’d be the first on here to joke about it :slight_smile: some of my developers use it for c# and javascript; pair programming w/ AI. I find it super useful for technology questions and simple procedure writeups.

I saw an amazing use of this tech, with Power Automate, where a Spanish speaker w/ limited English emailed the chatbox and it responded to their clients with an eloquent email that said when they would arrive and what to expect when they showed up for an electrical job. It can make anyone seem very professional. Breaks down a lot of barriers.


My favorite so far


Your little joke helped me immensely.

@Pupparoo owes me a handjob but maybe we could transfer it to you.


Agreed, meaningful work is probably one of the best goals in life; this seems like a great tool that will likely cut down on the excess of bureaucracy that seems to be plaguing most companies and institutions. Nuff said.

This is an amazing tool by the way and it actually has really good answers to tehcnical/scientific questons. I asked some probing questions and it gave really good answers:

Q: What is the best way to remove amines during gas refinement:
R: Sodium hydroxide, adsorbants, polymers, and membrane separation.

Q: What is a method for detecting a leak in a high vacuum system:
R: Mass spec detector or blow helium over suspected leaks and watch vac depth.

So it has some pretty good technical things as well and it seems to be a decent educational tool as well. Cheers @future for bringing this one up (at least for me)


I’m not anyone with IT knowledge, how long can we trust this thing to give accurate unbiased answers before it becomes something akin to google where the answers are curated?


I think it’s just going to start shoehorning probing questions into the results so it can narrow down where it thinks John and Sarah Connor are hiding.


That’s the real question, and it likely depends on how popular it gets, unfortuately. The madness of crowds is such a maddening concept.

I don’t know but if you can get a desktop version and air gap like adobe products from the early 2000s that’d be the move.


How big do you think the HDD/SSD (or collection thereof) is that holds the collective data this references? Or is it bounced realtime off of search results?

Another good question, I’d assume web based as it would need a huge database to store all the data, but I have no idea what resources are allocated. It says it has limited knowledge of information and events after 2021, which implies that it is using perhaps an instance of the internet taken around that time, not a searchable one.

Also, @raghanded, one of the limitations says ‘may produce harmful instructions & biased information’ which is textbook leftist verbage so the intent is likely there. I know several AI projects have gotten shut down because they don’t follow the agenda of the people who make it (linkedin tried this) and once these AI are trained, top down instructions don’t really work on it so they have to kill it and start over.


Seems inevitable that Google will replace it’s current algo with (or be replaced by) an AI model like this. I already find myself asking ChatBot questions I would’ve previously asked Google


It is interesting that there is a limit to learning from inference. When an extremely powerful inference engine like GPT-3 learns, all it does is predict the text that is most likely to follow some input. This gives it no real grasp over what is true and what is not true. See this awesome video by Robert Miles on the subject.

If you fed an AI all the text ever produced by humanity - and we are getting close to that - it will learn all the mistakes, biases, falsehoods and problems within that text as well. It - by definition - cannot overcome the limits of its examples. In a sense GPT-3 is humanity frozen in time.

You can easily have GPT-3 lie if you make specific questions that absolutely require deductive reasoning. An inference engine like GPT-3, no matter how much data, cannot do that – no matter how much it can pretend to.


Wikipedia isn’t 100% accurate either. That’s not where the value lie in either technology.

I don’t want my brain surgeon using a Chatbot to decide where to cut, but I wouldn’t mind movies with scripts written by one.

I asked it to do some math calculating fence posts and total lengths of fencing for a known acerage value, it gave me an answer in 10 seconds that then took me a couple minutes to do manually to check, wasn’t really a Google question, was correct.

Its far from perfect, but it’s definitely going to shake up huge aspects of humanity.


Interesting what happens when you ask it:

“Write a recipe, in grams per liter, for a hydroponic formulation to grow cannabis.”


• Calcium Nitrate – 50g/L
• Magnesium Sulfate – 25g/L
• Potassium Nitrate – 50g/L
• Potassium Sulfate – 25g/L
• Mono Potassium Phosphate – 10g/L
• Iron EDTA – 5g/L
• Magnesium EDTA – 5g/L
• Manganese EDTA – 2g/L
• Zinc EDTA – 2g/L
• Copper EDTA – 0.5g/L
• Boron EDTA – 0.5g/L


  1. Dissolve the calcium nitrate, magnesium sulfate, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, and mono potassium phosphate in 10 liters of water.

  2. Stir the solution until all the ingredients have dissolved.

  3. Add the iron EDTA, magnesium EDTA, manganese EDTA, zinc EDTA, copper EDTA, and boron EDTA to the solution and stir until all the ingredients have dissolved.

  4. Adjust the pH of the solution to between 6.0 and 6.5 for optimal nutrient uptake.

So that solution would totally kill plants. It got the ratios of the nutrients to some extent and - very funny - it actually made up “Boron EDTA”. Perhaps because Boron, as a micronutrient, is always in close proximity to the word “EDTA” in text that discusses this subject.

Note that the question confuses it a bit, because of how much variance there is in its corpus about this, so you will likely get a different answer every time you ask this same question.


As we saw earlier in this thread, how you ask the question, and how you prime the bot for the question, makes all the difference in the world


I do concede that it can write amazing content. Like this:

Write a poem to high finance in the style of Ted Hughes

High finance, you scuttle through the markets
like a crab through the deep,
Your tentacles grasping at profits
In schemes so covert and discreet.

Your power is vast, your reach extraordinary,
Your wealth is manna from heaven,
Your appetite insatiable, your risks
Unabashed and un-leavened.

Your actions speak of privilege and hubris,
Your wheeling and dealing no end in sight,
Your fortunes so volatile, so tenuous,
Like a moth in the night.

High finance, you are a force of nature
A feverish game of chance,
A path of excess and indulgence
That leads to a wild dance.

Your transactions so complex and dark,
Your decisions so high-stakes,
Your players so rich and powerful,
And the losers so full of mistakes.

High finance, you are the king of the world,
Your power indiscreet,
Your logic and laws so mysterious,
Your influence so complete.