Chat with Sidco_Cat Podcast Thread

This was a great episode! Cat is an all time great communicator, and I really enjoyed hearing Kevin’s backstory (even though I watched it all unfold in real time as well)


Thanks @AgTonik I definitely wanna chat with you more next time! MI was kind of a lot going on :rofl:

And yeah @Future I appreciate you man, thanks for everything :call_me_hand: glad I got to say thanks to a few of the homies through that podcast


To sum up the interview

It’s @ky_cbd 's world - we’re just living in it.

Fuckin trendsetter!


You guys make me smile.


Even though I have gave away my lifetime GLG I won do u still wanna do one w me?

I’d like for the community to know a lil more back story and what I’m up to these days

After listening to the 2 sounds fun and your a hoot anyways you always make me smile laugh and feel comfortable…not saying I want be nervous as cat bc I don’t like the sound of my southern voice everyone always picks up on it…they like I didn’t know u was southern …southern born breed and water fed…moonshine in my blood w fam history

Maybe @Dred_pirate will be lil easier kicking me in the knees next time lol love u man… remember the guys here level 3 and up are my idols. Bunch u have done so much esp u ,Mike, Dan, Aaron, pickle, and I could go on and on. Yall have my dream jobs

I wanna thank @Future also I know I give u hard time itsbc I’m jealous your the new canna extract king watch the crowd that follows…love u man thank u for the place u built bringing us together tbh one the coolest things done here and @sidco for making the idea come together


I love the piano and @Sidco_Cat’s intros. Its almost like Mr. rogers opening one of his shows.


I’d love to hear your episode with @Sidco_Cat if she did one with you.


She offered at one time…my story will be much different than all yalls bc the state I’m raised in and can’t seem to leave…I need to pack up and go find job in the industry instead the darkside the industry one day legal here they trying now. trying now to get one at some point w Aaron’s friends in my state

I want need the voice changer y’all will have to listen hard to understand me anyways


You’ll find your time. I was stuck in az and had to tuck tail and come back twice when I previously tried to leave. When the time is right, you’ll know it. And with the English accents I’m used to, I think I can pick up what you’re trying to lay down.


My lab is slowly being finished. Bring a 5th wheel and you can be the new night time security guard.

Got robbed the other day for everything in our freezer. Thankfully the alarm scared them off. They still made off with what would have been 12k in oil.

Didn’t take the jars of oil from you @Dred_pirate. Small freezer open and everything and they only went for the bags of bio. Lmfao

Friendly artwork for the thieves…


That place needs a tall spiked fence around it


We’d probably get sued if someone fell on the damn thing too. :joy:

Yeah 5 man team cased the place and 2 guys broke in. Definitely super organized. Pretty shitty deal.

South Seattle is straight hot trash


I’ll do it and we need to set up a perimeter Lazer thing to go in off if something or someone crosses it
…I’ll be out w the pistol strapped to back and shotgun auto loaded in the clip and the m4 binary…they hear automatic fire they’ll run the fuck off… Great thing it’s all legal guns

Cali makes u use them baby 10rd clips I’ll have 4 100rd clips on me loaded w a few chaser rounds to make for good show at night, then I’d shoot the fuck outta them if they inside


Same for Washington. But, a 30rd 0.223 is a 10rd beowolf. And I think if you already have them it’s coo

That’s fucked up bro, fucking hate rats.

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Yall can only have 10round mags in Washington too?

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The Washington governor, Jay Inslee, signed a package of bills on Wednesday tightening the state’s gun laws, including a measure that bans the manufacture, distribution and sale of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Can still have/use, just not buy new or build

They added ghost gun restrictions as well. I haven’t read it closely, but I think you just need to serialize any HMFs

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.50 cal AR.


Oh I know what a Beowulf is. Just not sure I follow the logic that a 30rd .223 is the same as a 10rd Beowulf

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