"Changing" Color of oil for filling

Mix it when done or do it while mixing on a stir bar


If you expose to sunlight, it should tan a little bit faster.


Maybe he will get some goodies like HU-331 if he does that.

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Stir it up!

If I were you, I would NOT expose to sunlight.

So use information you have to figure out where that will happen…

Eg: what temp does a enail start working?
What temp is cannabinoid distillation done? What has to be done to achieve vaporization of the cannabinoids at this temp?

Start with 90C for 30min with stirring. Keep at it until you’ve achieved the color you’re after.

You’ll be losing terpenes and oxidizing your product, and that is taking your product it the wrong direction quality wise, but it will darken your oil.

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Sunlight degrades thc.

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He should get the desired color prior to notable thc degradation. The more colored it is, the less it would be subject to further degradation.

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