CES Colorado extraction systems equipment for sale

Item Model/Manufacturer: CES Colorado extraction systems SV70 & Maxxtract TX100
Evaporative technologies ffe 50gl/hr
Price/MSRP: $Best offer
Current location of item:St.Louis
Estimated lead time: Days 1 week
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller YES
User support / Warranty: willing to set up and train with SOP’s if needed.

Not a shot in hell that’s recovering at 50 gallons an hour.

The stainless steel ffe pictured above built by evaporative technologies absolutely can recover 50gl/hr of ethanol.
The CES SV70 recovers 70L/hr if that’s what you thought I was referring to.


Gotcha! That’s my mistake then, was absolutely referring to the CES SV70