Centrifuge for methanolic mushroom extraction

Has anyone attempted a centrifuge for mushroom extraction with methanol? I’m trying to do a build out that is for the most part hermetically sealed to avoid human health hazards associated with methanol.


Why not just use acidic aqueous solutions followed by heating to dephosphorylate to Psilocin?


Got any additional info on that? I’ve a friend who’s been working on that without success. (Converting to psilocin)


This doesn’t seem to be repeatable in the way process design demands. Also, the ester functions as a protecting group. psilocin oxidizes rapidly in comparison.

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Which is why it calls for a quick quench after the dephosphorylation.

This is not an extraction procedure for yield. It is only trying to recover sufficient quantities for analysis. But it’s a starting point.

If ur not using sonification, then your going to want to do vat style and just hold the mushrooms in a stirring solution for 14-16 hrs, then let it settle, decant the top. The bottom can be dumped into a centrifuge.
Do this twice and youll get everything out. Do it once and youll get about 70% out


I was thinking the same thing, although I wish i could avoid the open air methanol thing. i get sick from looking at it now.

id rather extract with methanol to be as selective as possible for alkaloids, and then de-esterify the extract with lithium aluminum hydride