Centrifuge Bags: I am on the hunt

A client has this unbranded centrifuge and they are having a hard time getting the proper bags for their application. They would like to source apprx 10 micron mesh bags for this machine. Any leads would be appreciated.
The Height/Depth is about 12"
The diameter is 25"

Starting with the Wizard of weird equipment and supplies @cyclopath

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@Lincoln20XX as well.


Big thanks.

I also recommend @Lincoln20XX’s bag lady…her works is phenomenal.

My goto guy has just taken a sabbatical…won’t be making bags for at least a couple of months.

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Thank you, my friend.

The fabric at the cone and top looks like the high strength stuff we were using for our extraction bags. I’m not a fan of the thin nylon mesh on the sides, but it’s ok for some things.

If you shoot me a description of “the proper bag” and application and I can chat with and possibly connect you to my bag lady.

I’ve also prodded her to set up an account here.


What type of material are your bags made out of?

Depends on the solvent and what the bag is used for, though most of the materials we use/have used are fine in most standard solvents.

Etoh for instance and basic biomass extraction

We mostly pick multifilament woven materials as they are stronger and last longer than monofilament meshes, and they also tend to take far longer to blind than filter felts.

We mostly use synthetic fibres, though cotton and other natural fibres can also be effective in some applications.

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