Central California GLG Meetup is coming up!

Got my plane tix. Looking forward to meeting everyone :cowboy_hat_face:


@Ruwan I have heard nothing but good things from your colleagues…what part of the country are you coming from? where’s your home base

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Is there anything we should bring? Food? Alcohol?

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I’m flying out from the midwest. My current home base is in WI, but I’m kind of a nomadic chemist. I’m a traveling man, aside from equipment, I have very few things keeping me anchored to one specific location.

I’ll be in the bay area on Friday!


Dudes a damned savant just give em a place to cook and watch the magic unfold


Extra food is always welcome! We need DABZ DABZ DABZ for the dab bar. And if anyone drinks then BYOB bc we don’t provide alcohol :call_me_hand:

Thanks all this is going to be an epic meetup


I have been saving fire head stash for this ! Im about to get my rental and air bnb also going to bring a bunch of dabs for the bar . I have a bunch of mechanically seperated thca , sauce , diamonds , and CRC dabs so we are gonna dab it up lol.


I’m planning on meeting up with you and @Rowan Friday as soon as you land unless you guys have other plans


@Kingofthekush420 If you guys want to meet up and dabout on Friday I’m down i can let you guys know more when i get my room and rental!


I land at like 930 JetSuiteX in Oakland Friday night


Lmk I’ll pick you up!


My boy Bones was wondering if this meet up is pup-friendly…


Made some d8/d10 today there will be heads to be hashed

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@Saucyslabz you are a BOSS! can’t wait to SAMPLE

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Unfortunately @yoshi this place is very fancy and no dogs allowed except the resident canines.

@Kingofthekush420 @Rowan @Ruwan I might be able to work in a private sesh at the venue Friday. I’ll be there most of the day setting up. If I’m not able to talk the host into it let’s connect after I am finished for the day


I’ll help setup just lmk


Same here🤙🏼

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^^ i like fancy.

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Hey GanG! I’m a new member and looking forward to the Meet Up. Can anyone please tell me either on this thread or privately the actual location for the Meet Up or how to obtain the address? I’m driving down from southern OR to Oakland. It would be helpful for me to know the address of the Meet Up so I can make appropriate lodging arrangements. I’ve never been to Oakland, I’m unfamiliar with the area, and would like to position myself conveniently close to the Meet Up for an easy / FUN time! Thank you, I appreciate it.

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