CBN isolate kilos $6500


Little suspicious that I ask the seller to send to a lab and his only response was “must not be ours”. Yeah labs mess up all the time, I totally agree. But I literally just sent his CBN sample to a lab and I’m getting called a liar saying it’s “not his batch”.


I’d be happy to retest here as well. I’m confident in our in house but im also very aware there could have been an error, but my money would be on an error from the 3rd party lab as they are usually the ones at fault in my experience.


Thats a fair response to have, I think Zenlion is confident in his product as well but he also should probably be aware its more likely the the lab at fault and not you sending the wrong sample which is more of a personal insult towards you, the client, vs the proper insult that should have been directed at the lab.


I wasn’t privy to your conversation, so I will refrain from commenting on that, for now. I’m not fond of being called a lair, and I completely understand where you’re coming from if that was what you took from the conversation with @ZenLion.

Based on how his test resulted have been replicated by more than one lab and member here, I would also assume that he, too, would feel as though he was being called a liar (concerning the purity of his product). Zenlion is not the type to do a bait and switch.

Just as bad lab tests happen, bad batches happen, too. I’m not sure what the answer to all this is, but it would seem that all parties could come together and achieve an amicable resolution. Maybe Zenlion could call up the lab and show results from other labs, allowing for a free retest of the product in question.

You also still haven’t answered my questions:


It was my first time seeing CBN, so I had no information to base it off of. When compared to CBD Isolate, yes you can tell there’s a smell difference. I sent the entire sample I received for testing. Just want clean CBN, nothing else.

I asked him to send to KCA a second time (because they are active on these forums and most people vouch for them) and he agreed.
My rep then calls me saying he told them I’m paying for testing. I’d rather take my business elsewhere. I posted a COA and offense was taken.

88% CBN (it might be 99% and my lab messed up) but sellers a straight d**k about it.

There are not many people who can produce CBN at this time. I think that him asking you to pay for additional analysis is totally reasonable. There is a market for the CBN and it is easy to sell. Anyways…pay for KCA and post the results! lol


Seshat LLC CBN Full Panel.pdf (293.9 KB)

Recent full panel coa done at a reputable lab here in Oregon. Orders welcome. Fast shipping.


88% and everything else ND. Calibration issue. You were wrong in assuming that if you throw a fit and try to highjack my thread with your crap coa that I’d pay for your testing.

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It’s cool. I don’t do business with assholes. Keep your CBN. Best of luck to you



If I melt this down would it homogenize with thc distillate? Sorry if it’s a dumb question @ZenLion

If so, do you have a recommendation on enjoyable ratios ? Thanks buddy!

Oh my god.

Remember last year when everyone was curclejerking on cbn and nobody knew how to actually formulate with the stuff?

Does anyone actually know now- how to balance your cbn in your finished product?


Sure, maybe 20%

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5 kilos left of this batch


Bump. CBN isolate $6500 per kilo. About 30 free b2b samples went out. Who needs kilos?

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Killer COA man. Nice work!

Thank you sir

Fresh batch ready. 50 kilos.

CBN isolate kilos $6500ea