CBN Isolate (99%) and I want it gone ASAP - $2,000/kg

Hi all,

I have just over 3.75 kg CBN lingering in inventory that I want gone. Looking for $3,500 for individuals, can do better if you make my job easier by taking multiple/all - I’m also extremely impressionable so make an offer. Product is a white granular crystalline solid (not a clumpy flocculent solid like most CBD or powdered sugar) with excellent powder flow/solids handling properties (think granular table salt). See attached picture and COA.

Currently 3 x 1000g bottles, and a fourth bottle weighing 768g.

I’m not intending on breaking down kilos, but if that gets it sold the MOQ is 500g. Sub-kilogram price is $4.50/g unless you sweet talk the heck out of me.

Make an offer, I’ll probably be into it. First come first serve.

CBN_Isolate_COA.pdf (1.6 MB)


still available? thank you in advance


at least 2.5 kg are still available.

I just wanted to stop by and say this is quality CBN and i would highly recommend it. The seller is as solid as it gets too, always easy to deal with.



will do $3,250/kg. COA above.



will do $3000/kg

buuump, still got 2kg left

Still got a half kilogram of some beautiful granular CBN isolate. Would do $1,500 + free shipping to get it gone!

edit: jk someone bought the last of it


buuump. Have a client with >15kg CBN available - looking for $2,000/kg. Same process/purity as all else in this post.

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Hey what about the hhc? :wink: Free bump, but we still need to solve this.

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buuump, got 12kg high purity CBN isolate on hand - and more kilograms on the way. They need a loving home!

$2000/kg, price cut for multiples. hmu!

Also, some fresh COAs
SA-220912-11886 Synergy Labs 08272022SRLCBN.pdf (798.6 KB)
SA-220912-11887 Synergy Labs 09082022SRLCBN.pdf (789.1 KB)
SA-220718-10571 Young, Loewinger & Associates CBN Isolate_redacted.pdf (803.6 KB)


Limited time deal - $1,800/kg for multiples, $1,600/kg for 5kg+

Hoping to revive this thread from the dead - CBN distillate production has returned by popular demand, as evidenced by this insane 97.6% distillate COA (ND THCs).

We have not yet resumed making 99% CBN isolate but we CAN if anyone needs us to (same with CBN-O distillate/isolate) on a contract manufacture basis.

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Do you know of a place that would do say, 100 grams? This stuff is the best sleep aid.

Interesting statement
And not agreeing at all
Would like to know if you are adding other ingredients to your sleeping aid ?
In all my r and d n cbn I was pretty disappointed as a sleeping aid

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@Roguelab im willing to bet you only tested it on folks that regularly consume other Cannabinoids. I bet that you want believe me, when i tell you CBN is psychoactive. I cant exactly share the testimonials out in the open. But would be happy to share with you in a DM.


I have noticed high oral doses tend to modulate the effect of D9 somewhat. I do find it increases the sedation from edibles. Vaped/smoked it gives me a headache.

I can agree its psychoactive. Out of boredom I occasionally read the japanese alt noids subreddit, there are reports of psychoactivity above 100mg in a few users there

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I am not making anything. I just had a cart from a reputable company that was cbn and it put me to sleep. I used it when I wasn’t using THC at all and it relaxed me and put me out without dreams. It was not psychoactive to me at all, but a relaxant similar to kava. I imagine the terps also helped. IDK if relaxing counts as psychoactive, per say. If it does, then technically CBD would be considered psychoactive.


Thx for the honest response
Hopefully more members come forward with their experiences of cbn use

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I get stoned from CBN if I go over 100mg. Red eyes, munchies, all that. Sleep like a rock. Better quality of sleep, feels like I get more out of the hours I do sleep if I only get like 4-5 hours too.

Hundreds of firsthand testimonials from my customers who use it for sleep as well.