CBN creating

Looks like you need to ask your lab what the retention time of the unknown was. Personally, I believe cannabinoids can polymerize. Especially if you’re not refluxing at a not so high temperature. If the RT of the unknown is longer than the other cannabinoids (assuming polar mobile phase and NP column), then I would believe that it did polymerize.

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the reflux. I was referring to the discussion that the experimenters would have tried using heptane instead of toluene, but that it may vaporize before it reaches the desired temp for the reaction to occur. So if you used heptane and iodine in a pressurized vessel to achieve a higher temp reflux than normal conditions.

Full disclosure, I jumped in before reading the paper in any depth, which is pretty dumb of me. I need to go back and actually read it. my mind just started going and I started typing…

DO NOT HEAT SOLVENT IN A CLOSED CHAMBER IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING WHICH IS 99.9% OF YALL OUT THERE. I love you and would rather you not being making bombs in your labs.

Dood, just use toluene and follow the directions why is everyone trying to change the recipe if you are not qualified to? Your idea is NOT a good one, I would suggest following the directions unless you are qualified to deviate from the plan or pay some one who is.


To add to that, they do sell high pressure vessels with ratings for pressures much higher than can be achieved at your local cannabis/hemp lab. And if you were questioning the warning from @QGA, these vessels are literally called bombs.


I found a process today that I have no seen eluded too yet.


@QGA out of all the times I’ve used pressure flasks, I’ve only had one explode and it almost killed a few of us.


Tom hoye has a resource for pressure tubes thresholds of heat solvent and other variables if you have to do that stuff again. Also while you are at it check out his new HDDA reaction. I just met several of his students at the NOS conference in Indiana.


Has anyone tried generating CBN from the plant material either while living or during post-harvest processing? Using drying/curing/ripening techniques to convert THC to CBN prior to extraction? Exposure to light and oxygen might facilitate this reaction, no? Just a thought, I’m new here and appreciate the insight.

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Has anyone pursued this tech? Any lab results? Any SOPs?

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Nah not really that I know of
There are very short roads to CBN nowadays
SOP s are secrets but they work extremely well
@richpel beeing the master of CBN
Right now


I wouldn’t say master, but I got things cooking.


Sir you are a master of CBN like it or not :joy::joy:


How long did he reflux for??

@Roguelab, Does your tech with the oxygen and UV result in any loss of CBD? I might give it a go with my CBD.

Cbn crystal


Wait, ur using that manky old screw driver for something that sells for $$$ and ur in a GMP facility?


Not that I’ve never used beat up old plastic stuff in making CBD before but it wasn’t in a GMP facility lol

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A lot of very questionable things coming from that dude… the stories continue to be shady

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That jank screw driver, is brand new picking tool with teflon coat. Boii stop your bs