CBN and earth-shattering orgasms

I’ve dissolved heavy doses of THC distillate into an mct based lube and is absolutely does absorb via mucosa- typically leads to very wet orgasms and prolonged sessions.

Long long as we are talking about sexual stimulants Has anyone here had experience with an southeast Asian herb called longjack?

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I’ve heard of it, no experience with it though.

I tried something called Black Ant back in the day that came from Asia somewhere. It was VERY effective.

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LOL did you buy it at a gas station? It worked because it contained sildenafil (the active ingredient in viagra). Hahahahhaha

I have heard gas station boner pills are the shit :joy::rofl::joy:

You might get a turbo-boner that lasts 20 hrs and your dick might fall off but it doesn’t matter because you had sex.


It was given to me by a friend that ordered it direct from overseas.

Tbh it could’ve had crack in it and I wouldn’t have cared at that point in my life, haha.


I have 200 ml of a distillate gone wrong
That is 10%cbn 0.8%thc and 4% cbd
For sience sake under the condition that results of the bio essay are reported here I will send some for free to who ever wants to receive some
just direct message me


I just noticed the subcategory and tags… Brilliant…


Yo they deleted my adderall oopsie thread. That had useful info on how to remediate your cannabis extract in the event of an amine contaminant, not to mention the post facilitated an engaging philosophical discussion. It’s too bad, instead of deleting it, I wish it was moved to the tokers lounge or renamed and put in the echo chamber. That thread could’ve helped someone down the line in a unique situation, who knows.

Bad look for extractors… maybe, but this forum is supposed to be all about open source and not censor discussions that potentially make us look bad. This is the Internet ffs.

It still shows up on google though lol.



Chit my bro, any idea what the other 85% is?

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Awww, that thread was a gem! :frowning:

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Either CBC or unknown
I had a lot more been taking it daily
Doesn t do much but he doesn t / didn t harm me either
I have coa and chromatograph but don t realy know
This is a batc made with random bentonite in the flask

I’ve tried longjack. Didn’t do a damn thing for me, but my testing wasn’t all that extensive and I have no way of knowing how legit my source was. The only herbal supplement I’ve had success with for sexual enhancement was yohimbe, but at WAY lower doses than I usually see people mention online, and the side-effects almost make it not even worth it (hyperthermia, excessive sweating, runny nose, increased heart rate, anxiety).

I really want to know what the hell is in those “Rhino 5” pills from the sex shop. They don’t just increase erection quality like sildenafil, but actually increase libido pretty substantially. I went through a phase where I was experimenting with all kinds of different mystery sex pills, including actual sildenafil I picked up in Mexican pharmacies, but by far those “Rhino 5” pills in the bright green package were the most interesting. Not the black packaging though, those were garbage.

Henassay always worked for me. Most woman I’m with can’t even handle 30-45mins of getting beat down. I don’t understand the need to take it any further. There is a fine line with cocaine where you can still perform like a porn star.

Sex has always been an ego thing for me. Let me see how many times I can break her off before she can do it to me. What type of sexcapdes are you all doing?


This was at a point in my life where I was going through a ton of stress dealing with a shitty breakup and having a friend murdered, so it was manifesting itself in ways I wasn’t expecting like not being able to achieve an erection when I did get lucky. Or at least that’s the way my shrink explained it. As a response to that, I started experimenting with all kinds of chemical aides to avoid that embarrassment and discovered that there’s a lot of stuff that won’t only help if you’ve got problems getting it up, but also enhance things even if you didn’t have any issues.

Also, during that time I was going on a solo trip to South America for a few months so I packed a few things but also found a bunch of new substances while abroad, and had no shortage of opportunity to experiment with them. Though I will say, coke dick is the absolute WORST and it seems like the days of alcohol working for sexual enhancement ended somewhere around my 20th birthday. All I get from alcohol now in that context is whiskey dick and regret when I see who I woke up next to the following day.

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Not my most debaucherous…though one of my favorites.

Bangin out this chick and as I’m about to give her a facial her dad walks in. His jaw drops. I look into his eyes and finish like a champ.

Needless to say I was running home naked.


I’m a full fledge degenerate. When I was single in the past. I’ve had no shame in buying my entertainment. This might be a little crude but prostitution is one of the oldest occupations and I have no problem with it once a month. Paying for 2-3 dime pieces and having my way with for a hour or 2. I don’t see no shame in it. I’ve never had problems with getting woman but sometimes I’ve needed to be single and this was a way to not get backed up.

I don’t know. If the wind blows in the right direction, I can get an errection. Maybe I’m just a sexual deviant. Lol


Never had a problem picking up chicks. There is always a pussy in any deal. Business, relationships doesn’t matter.

You would love China then. When I was spending time there after a business dinner the alpha China man would clap his hands. A line of girls would walk out and waitress would bring out that Baijou - white rice moonshine - and you would have this weird communist/capitalist drink off pussy banging fest.

Great times.


Damn. I needs to go there. Lol


It’s changed a lot since xi became a dictator.

Best prostitutes I’ve ever dealt with are in costa rica…dime pieces and you can treat them like shit and they will crawl back for more for free. LOL

Thank god @BG305 lives in Costa Rica. Lol. Sure I’ll take a few trips there with the homie.

Glg meeting in Costa Rica for the summer of 2020. We can all just say in Jaco and ball out. Lol


Let me tag along. I had a fucking blast last time went.

Just hired a driver and had a surf trip along the coast.