CBleach Scrub

69 posts were split to a new topic: Sunday Funday with the king himself!

I’ve been winterizing overnight in a cooler with dry ice, this was my first attempt with the cbleach scrub and I skipped the step.

I use a filter paper with a 0.22micron fritted buchner, so it’s pretty good at catching things.

The cbleach scrub made the solution quite transparent, so I don’t think a winterization will be necessary. The acidity of t41 gave it a tinge of red, though. Any suggestions on remediating the red?

Start at post 169 and move it all (with the exception of post 230; that one is actually on topic).

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I believe you need to adjust the ph of your solution before you rotovap. The color could be slight isomerization but without lab results it would be silly to say colors indicate anything.

There are better ways to color remediate IMO than hot scrubs.

I would dissolve in pentane and filter through the usual crc powders you’ll need to try a few but there are tons of threads on this already :ok_hand:

Edit: .22micron is great however I was referencing the possiblity of things sneaking past the edges of the filter paper and bypassing it completely.

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What do you recommend for alcohol/ethanol based scrub?

where is the columbolabs carbon scrb sop?