CBG High CBD Distillate / Make an offer? 200kg Available

That’s when it’s time to hire a professional sales person.

I see this sooo many times in the cannabis industry. Mostly from the black market side of things but it’s a problem industry wide.

You have super smart lab people that can make the most fire products. These lab people are super quiet and are better researcher than sales people. On the other side of the problem, you have these trap stars that could sell ice to an Eskimo but don’t know shit about how these products are made.

When these 2 people come together. It can make a great business. One by themselves is almost pointless and bound to fail.


This 100% is what I have been working on lately, educating the retail on how and why the product exists is key for them being able to make a sale with confidence in not spreading mis information, they will often provide no information for fear of not knowing the right info.


If anyone would like to make an offer on this feel free to DM!

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Just sent a DM. Sounds like heaven for my clients with inflammatory conditions!


Did you guys buy the biomass? Also, it’s weird that if there was CBD bags mixed in there that the terpenes/texture didn’t make the guys pulling the bio stop and pause. Unless they just mixed it all together in the same super sacks. From a farmer, sorry that happened to you guys. We aren’t all shady! :call_me_hand:t3:


One of our partners purchased it and the farmer has since dropped off the face of the earth! We have come to conclusion he knew what he was doing haha. It was all milled. Only bad run in we have had with a farmer at this company! The million+ lbs we have gotten across 10 states and countless farmers besides this were all awesome. One bad apple won’t spoil the bunch for us. Farmers rock! @GreensiteHemp


Fucking preach Killa.
Come to killas Monday Ted talk.
This is so true and you put it so well.
I wanna learn how to sell ice to eskimos some day.

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We cleaned up this distillate and added some CBG iso back into the mix. What do y’all think of this?
CBG DISTY 12.07.22.pdf (836.2 KB)

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