I’m looking for trimmed cbg flower
These beauties are going for $1500/lb. Grown and bred by a friend and a real life Don of hemp/canna growing - nothing else like this out there. The trimmed nugs are beautiful.
Can you email the coa report @ naturestonic1125@gmail.com
When are flowers ready? Where are you located?
What’s the situation for unverified slangers of cbg
You wanker, I’m not even slanging, I’m sharing. I found my friend’s results exciting.
I’m gonna take down the test results tho cause I know I’ll see them all over the internet soon if I don’t.
You post a price and a picture and you claim you aren’t slanging? What is this? You think everyone on this website is an idiot? Come on now.
That looks primo , have you smoked any of this flower ? I had a thought of doing some cbg quality flower.
Yes, thats what I did. And I’m not. And I think this website is full of intelligent folk. And if you posted a picture of some amazing rare extract and said your friend has been crushing selling it at a great price, I would not flag your post lol. And, who gives a fck, i have a farm and a legit registered business, and a seed producer license, grow license, and handler license in my state. When I want to do business I have the verifiable documentation that matters. The verified slingers here are all selling lab & manufactured products, they’re not farming.
PS, DM me for more info
Yeah I’ve not had a chance to smoke this stuff yet, my mate who grew it is a big fan of the smoke though. There’ll be seed available in 2020…much higher cbg levels than the crawford bros stuff.
I would like seed and I would love to hear more about your friend’s lovely CBG. That is a reasonable price.
Dude get verifed we have all done it. You listed a photo and price. You didnt do that for the good of your health.
offer please
Anyone have any compliant indoor or greenhouse cbg lbs?
Or qp’s? squeak ha ha