CBD success stories! Medicine for the people!

So I’ve been playing with CBD for a minute now and have had such an amazing response! My entire family and friend group is well medicated and then some and this is just the beginning!

I wanted to start a thread to share our stories where CBD helped people we know. Ive only just begun and I have a short book full of stories, but I’ll just name a few.

My father has gout and near crippling arthritis. He is on about a qp of pharmaceuticals every day and has been struggling for years now. I made him some meds and within only one day he was able to get up and walk the dog all the way around the block! Normally walking from one end of his 1br apartment is a struggle, but now he says he has a new lease on life!

My grandmother has a bad knee and is generally old af and struggling. She also can be a little bit of a… not so nice person. Especially to her son who is her caretaker. After being on CBD from medterra her life improved but she was spending $300 a month on meds. After I gave her some tinctures she noticed an immediate improvement, cancelled her subscription to medterra, and better yet her son called me to thank me for her chilling the f out!

My uncle is a psychiatrist. He is a HUGE believer in CBD. He was in a session where the son and father were having a really hard time and the son had all but completely shut down and the father was beyond frustrated. He suggested they try some tincture that I had given him for clients. They both did and he told me that he was able to witness a change within absolutely no time and they were able to relax and actually have a meaningful conversation that was the void of anger and full of love and compassion!

Like I said I have a gang of these stories already and it is beyond motivating to continue forth unto this brave new world of meds making. EVERYONE who has tried my formulations have said that they are better than what they have had before (if they had had before) which is an obvious indicator of improper potency levels or just outright lies made by cashgprabbing “CBD” companies. Its certainly not that I did anything extra special. CBD disty+mct…Thats it!

I want to hear from YOU about what CBD has done for you, your loved ones, or just anyone you know! Give us the deets so we can all be even more motivated to continue spreading the love!

Much love future fam. If it weren’t for this site my family and friends wouldn’t have this new option for medicine.

P.S. bonus points to anyone who has stories related to minor cannabinoids.