Looking for strictly Cbd shatter thc free or under the legal limit
The way it sets up is a bit different.
@AshevilleExtracts or @Apothecary36 would be able to assist you further.
Im not running yet. Twiddling my thumbs over here waiting haha
Hi there I have some lifter cbd stick n pull bho. Great nose. Extracted in house with organic trim and flower
Same results
Good stuff
Do you have a coa for these?
No. This is the first batch made, will take to lab soon
Just interested! I have been doing some bho with smokeable hemp without crc. Makes straight sauce, super terpy and great in a pen
Gunna run my next batch through some w1.
How much for a slab?
What’s the potency on the shatter above? Does it sugar or crystallize and if so how quickly?
This stuff hasn’t sugar or crystalized. Stays stick n pull at room temp. It’s best to gram out in a cold room or chest freezer.
What’s the total thc in this
I’ve gotten good consistency results with cbd after some oven time. Low temp 3day wait. Less sticky, easier to work. Trim material. Cls bho. No crc.
Have you sent any of this shatter to the lab?
Is it possible to have ND THC on shatter?
We have a coa as a crude but not this. The total thc came back at 1.7% on our crude.
We offer T-free CBDA shatter, and budder!
Kilo pricing?