CBD Oracle Lab Study Shows Some Delta-8 Products Are 7700% Over the Legal Delta-9 THC Limit

I’m wondering if the lab included the other isomers in their analyses of the d8-THC and d9-THC peaks. Those numbers are higher than we see for the same brands.


Yall heard about the piss extraction labs down south ?

I cannot make this up…

There are dozens of these little hellholes, likely many of them operating as we speak

More than one junkie figured out… that if the cops can test your pee for meth… theres meth in pee.


Whats the highest you’ve seen

Thats been around a long time, I remember learning about that in middle school in Wisconsin. They tie coffee filters over the top of their piss jars(OH FUCK THEY FOUND THE PISS JARS) then let their piss evaporate and voila you have a free high

I guess the southerners are taking notes

Maybe they learned the tek from Uncle Fester :joy::joy:

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You think the iso THCs you guys are making CRMs for are the culprit?

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So this iso of D8 pops up as D9 on some labs chromatographs?

Let me make my position clear. Making cannabinoids illegal is fucking dumb in the first place. IMO noone would give a shit about D8 (just like noone cared about D8 since the 40s when it was first synthesized) if we didn’t have the perfect storm of:

  1. Hodgepodge of legal and illegal THC states
  2. A huge supply of cheap CBD leftover from the 2018/2019 hemp boom/bust.
  3. A bunch of Chads who lost their ass trying to become CBD millionaires, wanting to recoup that investment.
  4. A federal hemp bill that opens up a potential avenue for legal, hemp-derived, cannabinoids.

All 4 points would be moot if we just legalized cannabis and descheduled THC in the first place.


I think they are a bit too simplistic here. It is very method dependant

In GC method using HP35-MS, iso-THCs shows up before D8, en d9 comes after d8.
Iso THCs rather show up very close to CBD and could be in some case confused with it.

There seems to be to iso-THCs possible, D4(8) as they note, but also a D8.
I believe the main one found in d8 products is rather the other one, i.e. the d8-iso-THC.
(Unless I’m wrong and they have proper CRMs to ascertain this)
Also that one would not be in that case a metabolite, but an actual by product of d8 sythesis, coming also from d9-THC.



Distilled piss would send a message

I’m not sure what message, but it’d send one

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A bright one

Thats how phosphorous was discovered.

Youre talking about making white phosphorous from pee ?

Nah, I was thinking about making some pissing matches after a pissing match


Now That’s What I Call Jartek

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D8 fiasco reminds me of the legend of smoking banana peels. The wooks finally figured out something technically legal to smoke that gets you high and the Nixon drug warriors are spinning in their graves.

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On GC there isn’t an issue with the coeluting isomer(s). On HPLC most methods do encounter coelution with the isomer(s).

We’ve seen samples with various ratios of d9 and the coeluting compound(s). We’ll look at data on the HPLC first and then perform a second run on the GC where we get separation. Some samples will show no d9-THC whatsoever on the GC, so the HPLC value can be attributed to the other isomer(s). Yet on other samples the d9-THC will account for most of the concentration determined on the HPLC.

We used to see more samples with 10-20% d9-THC when running just HPLC. With the use of GC we don’t see concentrations over 10% very often.


My brother and I used to piss in the small 1oz dixie cups in a row, wrap them with plastic wrap and call them piss grenades then throw them at cars.

It’s a wonder I haven’t been (successfully) shot yet

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Don’t know if we had knowledge of the other various cannabinoids then like we do now. So even if D8 was a thing it would be treated worse then D9 at that time especially. This solution requires a time machine.

Excluding government research…

We threw small apples at passing cars on a small empty backroad and I shit you not one of my friends hit a dudes arm with one :rofl: spent a good 10 minutes just LAUGHING cause the dude looked down at his arm too lmao

Its a miracle we haven’t been shot yet either

Thanks for the idea

distilling piss…

ah sweet urea terps