CBD not Recrystallizing


Heated up CBD I left it on for a little to long about 20ish mins and now it won’t recrystallize why?

Not enough info.

How hot did u heat it


I put just put the mason jar in a pot of boiling water wasn’t boiling when I put it in cake back 20 min later water was boiling and it was almost completely Uncrystallized. Made a few Tinctures and put it back in the fridge 2 days ago and only tiny part has crystallized

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Well agitation can speed the process
But be confident that in time if nothing was added to heighten it s ph it will crystelize all again


It’s just a bit strange I’ve heated it up before and it Recrystallized quickly

The mistery s off our trade :grinning:
I guess any organic compound has a will of it s own and obeys to it s own rules a little

Its likely you may have degraded the cbd to less than 60% and it wont crystallize again.

CBD will crystallize at less than 60%

@virtuousmeds depending on your decarb temp you can get full spec distillate to not crystallize even with CBD potency reaching 90%.

If this is CBD ISO, potentially you converted it.

How long will it retain that behavior?


Do you mean 90% total CBD? not decarbing all the way would mean you have more CBDA and thats why you are not crystallizing.

Unlikely at that temp and time unless a catalyst was added

If you’re at 90%, it’s probably distilled, which means CBD.


here are lab results it seems to have crystallized maybe a tiny bit more but 95% plus is not crystallized