Cbd isomerization to d8 and d9 thc

personaly if he was he would have to have a very big target to be allowed ot release info like

his zinc borohydride reduction.

I think not but then again :shushing_face:

though the things he has said about carl I wonder if he is worth knowing.

never bite the hand that feeds you.


lol what. you mean me criticising carls holocaust denial bs? you of all people should know better, if your grandpa was actually imprisoned near Auschwitz. there’s no place for such ideas in science.

i have LE in my immediate family, so sort of?

that was almost 15 years ago. glad to see I’ve left something useful to the world


and that you did nicely done :slight_smile:


Found this interesting paper regarding CBD to d8/d9/iso-THC isomerization. It was recently published a few days ago and thought it could be useful for many people out there… so I figured I’d share it. If it has already been posted in a different thread, forgive me, but I thought this would be an appropriate thread to share it in.


Cannabidiol as the Substrate in Acid-Catalyzed Intramolecular Cyclization.pdf (1.9 MB)


Great place to put it, thanks @Shawk!

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I posted about this thismorning


We are looking for a consultant to help us achieve high d9 conversions. Are you available for a consult?



So u put just cbd & anhydrous t41 in a Flask? Without solvent? Then u heating, cbd is melting and you heat up to destill (while the cbd izomerced to d8)? Is That correct? Sounds really Great!!!

Yes, but this is a very very basic way to do it. there is still a bit more required to finish the process.


What do u think of xylene? I red that it‘s not as harmful as benzene or toulene. And xylene is aromatic too. So it should work too or?
Or did you think there are any disadvantages of using xylene + ptsa? Thx :pray:

One day a Friend make his first ptsa izo with 1g cbd… he cooked 4h without vacum to get rid of solvent and get a red mass of 1,3g. So that is the polymermess or? Because it oxidised and it smells bad…

One question about izo with Ptsa-monohydrate. How will I get theortical better yields (not quantity just quality).
With a low boiling solvent: petrolium benzen (bp ~ 45C) or xylene (bp ~ 140C) as high boiling solvent.

In some tests a friend made, i saw that petrol make a azetrope with water, and After washing he has a lost of 15-20%. So 1g CBD is After izo 0,8g. But advantage of low boiling is that you can easily vacum purge…xylene is difficult to get rid of.

What are you think? Or did u know a better way for ptsa? Love! :pray:

By quality I assume you mean a higher d9 yield relative to other products formed. If you want to use p-tsa monohydrate for a high d9 yield then you should start with toluene as your solvent. I’ve had the best results with it so far using tosic.


ok thx but do know why? I mean Both are aromatic xylene/toluene and have nearly the Same boiling point.

My 2nd question is: I often red here of d9 with ptsa, but in official patents they wrote with ptsa in toluene u get JUST d8. (For Example patent: US20040143126A1) „ CBD (300 mg) was added to dried p-toluenesulfonic acid (30 mg) in toluene (15 ml) … = 79.33% Δ8-THC (15 minutes), 81.7% Δ8-THC (30 minutes) and 84.6% Δ8-THC (2 hours)“

3th question: when u neutralize, SHOULD it fizzle? So a friend Made 300mg CBD/30mg ptsa / 30ml xylene and cook 1h, than he stopped izo with neutralization but nothing fizzled. Is maybe 30mg acid not enough?

You could get the same results using xylene but I haven’t done that personally so I recommend toluene instead.

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There’s this: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00436

I haven’t heard of anyone getting good results with those parameters above micro-scale. There are much better catalysts for d9. Do a little digging on this site and you’ll find a few options that better suit your needs.

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Thank u! But can u recommend one cat?

My next trials should be citric acid or zncl2. Both make Safe d9 and for example for zncl2 I don‘t Need any solvent.

But Both make in Perfect izo maybe 50-60% d9. Maybe u know a better and healthier one. :pray:

Labrat has been going for D9 and has ended up with about 9% CBD, 50% D9 and 33% D8 previously using the same recipe, I had 5% CBD, 60% D9 and 22% D8 with what I thought were similar parameters. Any idea what would cause the following:

  1. Not as much conversion of CBD
  2. More going to D8


I red this paper. I saw that in The Most of examples there are no measurement of the acid / solvent.

And I allways red to reflux the mixture, in this paper there is often writen „RT“ so that means roomtemperature or? So i wonder how many reactions run on roomtemperature.

Tbh I recommend looking into hiring a consultant if you need much help selecting catalysts and solvents. Many of us on here, myself included, sell the parameters of our reactions and would happily walk you through your reactions. DM me if you want.