CBD isolate without using alkanes

Are there any ways that this can be done?

Hell, if you wanted to you could crystallize CBD straight outa distillate, it would just take a but longer. No solvent is reeeaalllyy necessary, but is certainly helps

Try beta caryophyllene


It should be theoretically possible to use anything that cbd will dissolve in including ethanol. Alkanes are just the most convenient in terms of crystalization time and purging.

You can try an intial extraction in ethanol to make your crude and then use a terpene for the solvent to crash the crystals from the solution.

Or you could just use ethanol the whole way through.

Why no alkanes?

Dimethyl ether.

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Client wants all natural products used for every step of the process- no petroleum distillates, plastics, etc

Use food grade terpenes they are as natural as u can get :wink:

So I could crash cbd crytals out of cold beta caryophyllene? What about limonene? I’ve got a few gallons of all the big name terps on hand here- pinene and linalool etc … Interesting. How difficult would it be to then remove the b.c. From mother liquor? Just fractional distillation w vigroux column or would a simple distillation suffice?

Once I am up and running full bore here I will do some experiments with this and report back.

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Any follow up on this?

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I’ll ask mom to send me a few gal of B-caryophyllene

And yes, actually there was an interesting incident where we observed extremely seeded, whole plant ground including main stalks, wet baled, left in the hot sun, accidentally fermented hemp biomass to yield an extremely loose oil, upon distillation the color was lightened greatly, still extremely loose- and a sparse few cbd crystals fell out of solution

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What is the intended end product ?

If this is a oil based tincture, you could achieved such in specific edible oils… :wink:

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