CBD isolate -> THC compound Conversion VIA Citric Acid

Can say that again. I tried to ask a chem question in the chem forum and they said they would never let me post there because I don’t seem like I know what I’m doing… Yeah. No Sh@@ elitiest fks, that’s why I am asking. Lol. But yes. Reddit is a joke and I get almost nothing done on there any more. Seems all the big forums are owned by deeply lodged douches.

Glad I found your thread and asked you. thank you for this input and info. Invaluable. Tho i still can’t think of which solvent I’d want to use. Still seems there is so much research to be done in that regard. I think heptane, pentane, ethanol, etc are some of the more tame ones?. I’m not sure I have the balls for using sulfuric acid yet or another aggressive hard to clean solvent in a consumed product.

I understand that and wish I could afford lab testing but my car needs new brakes and tires, they keep shutting my food stamps off and starving me, and I’m working poor class. I have a tonne of medical problems to boot but anyway… The only big disclaimers I see seem to be with aggressive solvents. Namley a very scary one people using P-TSA and it causing literal DNA mutation. lol.

Thank you for all this info friend. I will have to try to check all this out asap. Just read ALL those articles I posted yesterday x.x brains kinda fried haha. Who would have known CBD and citric acid would be such a intensive endeavor.
Time of reaction isn’t so much a issue for me? Especially if I can narrow down a solid recipe that would produce FAIRLY consistent results. AND forgo fancy solvents or acids. That would triply motivate me to stick with this route if a respectable yield was achievable.

Hmm, I’d love their input on it to? They active on here? any link to the thread by chance please? Thanks dawg

Oh yes that’s right ty. always get them mixed up. Close kissing cousins tho ;p

An sorry in advance everyone forum is throttling me and making it really hard to stay engaged/keep my place or train of thought…

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