"CBD Is over"

THC in BM. If that’s not for you then take your carpet bag and go back to selling Tupperware.


Not sure how many of you are in the retail space but that’s my main gig so I feel I can give some sort of insight here. I’ve seen trends come and go, industries boom and flush and fads making customers climb over each other one day and can’t give them away the next. Good rule of thumb, if you see the item on a gas station shelf the bell curve has passed/on its way down for that item. Like fidget spinners lol. As soon as I saw them for sale at 711 we slashed our costs and dipped out.

The prices of things you see here on the site are not a true reflection of the industry as a whole. Yet. Consumables trend longer than items, and consumables tied to health benefits even longer but have a tougher path to leveling out.

My prediction:
CBD retail cost will plummet soon, will probably after Q1. Already starting to see it online. Retail stores will continue to sell their stock at the profit margins they originated until stock is gone, purchase contracts expire or they are forced to lower from competition. There is a lag between online and retail pricing swings. Sometimes months other times slowly over the years. Between this years harvest, and the explosion of hemp in general, imported isolate, and overseas suppliers upstream costs are plummeting. Farmers and processors see it first (raw materials) then manufacturers, distributors, and then retail.

Hell go on alibaba right now and search CBD. Fully branded shelf ready tinctures for 5 bucks.

Doesn’t mean it’s “over” that just depends on the item. Consumables trend longer than items, and consumables tied to health benefits even longer but have a tougher path to leveling out.

Follow a big boy and see what they do. For CBD I look at green roads. The bigger the player the more they can control the market. I thought retail prices were going to drop sooner when they did a 50% off sale but looking now they are still selling 30ml 50mg/ml for 80 bucks.

I’m sure you all keep your eye open at stores for the same thing you are selling. We’re seeing CBD pillows now sold at chains… that’s an indicator.

But its best to look at other industries that follow the same path. CBD/hemp itself is following the vape industry VERY similarly. You have to be on the street burning 50 dollar bills right now to be failing in this industry it seems. Eventually more dedicated retail stores will pop up, almost one in every town. Manufacturers with the right channels will grow fast and settle in the market creating top brands, mom and pops will still be able to survive with their own line of products until the first elevator drop. Profit margins fall, then regulations step in separating companies further, brand loyalty strengthens due to presence (hey do you have X brand? No? Eh that’s ok I don’t want brand Y I like brand X), more regulations step in, mom and pops close because of the difficulty to charter the regulation and competition sea. Even the new hot cannabanoid on the market will go through the same curve. Right now it’s CBD, tomorrow CBG. Next year or so we’ll probably see “Is CBG over?” posts lol.

Now I don’t want to discourage. There’s still plenty of room for players. Brands become stale or become unpopular making the next in line the new flavor of the week. New innovations come out and spin off from there. If you have good business acumen you’ll be fine. Know your industry, but even more know your product.


I would LOVE to get my hands on some international stock as long as it’s good stuff. Has to be a country with good product perception though. “This product was expertly crafted with organically grown hemp from the rainforests of Peru and carefully extracted to create an unmatched blend of compounds found nowhere else in the world” sounds better than “shit’s from China, yo” In the essential oil realm people looooove things from the country they do best in or exotic. Our vanilla extract is from Madagascar, my tangerine is from Italy for example which is true.

Hell the most expensive coffee in the world was shit out from a cats ass. Tea hand picked by monkeys.


wait, you can’t get rich quick anymore?

This is the quote of the day in my books!!! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


This might show my age a bit but did it ever work for these guys?


sometimes they were rolling in them quarters and jawbreakers!


Imo the issue is the insane price gouging in retail prices. It is not a matter of prices just not having dropped with isolate prices. They would be overpriced even if isolate was still going for 8k a kilo. For God’s sake can’t someone open an online store just selling reasonably priced single grams of isolate and distillate?


Whats a guy gotta do to get one of those bottles or a recipe. I’ve got arthritis in my hands and recently took a pair of fiskars 2” into my left hand… needless to say, my hands fucking hurt constantly


It’s something an alchemical mentor used to tell people at farmers markets



Of course vice posted this

Speaking of farmer’s market, my family have been vendors all my life, and I started selling oil and topicals there this year. There is a foodie movement in this country of people who want to know where their food comes from and also to buy locally. I think it is the same with hemp products. There will always be a local market.


Put down the fiscars and grab a T4 twister. Or a T6, or a T2 depending on your haul. I did 5yrs ago.


I wish it was from trimming. Had a pair of fiskars hanging by the handle and I basically punched the scissors. Pretty brutal shit. Lol


I said this in the other CBD thread, but it’s retail. That and the snake oil guys. But mainly retail. All my friends and some family have tried CBD, but don’t actively use because the retail products are so expensive. The funny thing is, CBD wholesale prices are going way down but retail is still more expensive than walking into a dispensary and buying THC products.

And the sad thing is, a few are still making a killing by price gouging. Here’s a company I somewhat know here in LA, check out their IG promotion. Tons of hot chicks, Lamborghini’s and chizzled body builders!


And the price?

One of you guys should start a CBD store and just sell these products for 1/4th of what everyone else is charging as well as give stuff away for free. But IDK if this is feasible, I’m not in the CBD game. Have no clue if people are interested in walking into a CBD store. Just throwing out my 2 cents.


You just stated my entire business plan minus the store…but man am I scared I’m a hair’s breadth from launching my cbd brand I’ve been working on and I nervous no ones gonna be interested soon…but I agree prices are way too high


I have made clientele wich I didn t wan t to make for sales of end products was not my aim with a fairly simple method
Starting in 2018 I was asked to help a polish friend to clean co2 extracted crude at a 50/50 deal I ended up with 5 liters polished crude after the friends and family I still had a few liters and no idea what to do with them this was hot
Cbd crude and a risk for having around
One of my friends is a researcher in cannabinoids and he told me about the benefits so many have
I made tinctures of olive oil in 5 ml bottles at 5% cbd and started giving them away to epilepsy centers
Psoriasis centers rhuma groups and you name it any disease group/center
That might have benefit
This action got such well revieuw that
Over 2500 persons asked for more
Something I wasn’t t expecting nor was prepared for
Luckily we have zufer nuver a pro cannabinoid ngo that took these custumers over for fair priced goods


I’d be happy to send ya something- I have horrible arthritis all over the place and full spec tinctures and balms have been amazing- that’s the whole reason I’m in this industry! Hit the DM


Are you trying to become a CBD millionaire in less than a year? Yeah, your window of opportunity probably is already closed.

Are you willing to put in good work for a modest profit and personal fulfilment? Are you trying to invest in an industry rather than just cash out? There is plenty of room still for those people.

Even with the price crash, the margins are still very good compared to other industries as long as you’re running a highly efficient operation.


LinkedIn is pretty funny sometimes

Help me think of some new letters to sell