CBD Hemp Production Efficiencies

End product is trimmed flower(not pre-roll quality).

  1. Pruning-does pruning increase yield in lbs?
    More importantly, CBD %?
    When is it appropriate to start?

Labor hours per plant for season?

  1. Trim wet or dry?

Labor comparison.


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A trimmed 5 ft plant will produce roughly the same amount of flower as a not trimmed 6-10ft tall plant.

OK. Thanks! Got any info on the other questions? When to start pruning, etc…

Pruning depends on how big and how much work you want to put in. I would start pinching them at a 2 ft so they can start branching and bushing out real nice. Fertilizer is as needed depending on your soil test. Watering depends on where you are located.

Awesome! Thanks so much. I may hit you up for more as the season progresses. Be well!

No problem! Happy growing!