CBD Hemp Prices are Slipping as US is Producing 8X Over Demand, is a Price Crash Imminent?

I’m sorry but this isn’t even close to true! A 2 minute look at Google scholar will show countless articles with numerous health benefits! CBD not only interacts with CB receptors but also Vanilloid receptors and 5 HT receptors. There are numerous biochemical pathways through which CBD has an effect. It’s irresponsible to spread this kind of disinformation when a simple 2 minute search is all that is needed to debunk what you’re saying.

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You think the NIDA stranglehold might have something to do with that lack of evidence of benefits?

This is not a accurate number by any means.

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Ppl can’t even get it outta the field let alone dry it lol hemp grown and hemp in the barn is two different things


The Clear is setting up a lab right now to do 100,000 lbs day and i heard some other people trying to do even more (though I’m not sure i believe them)

100k Lbs a day doesn’t seem realistic based on the capacity of the huge labs I’ve seen currently… the biggest lab I know was scaling up for this harvest with millions of dollars being put in to be able to do 10k lbs per shift to crude.

Who knows though, maybe with the money being put into hemp 100k lbs/day will be reality. Other industries have scaled beyond that, what’s different about hemp?

I know a dude that processes 1 million pounds of hemp here in Colorado. That’s 50k/ day. They are out there but keep things under lock and key.


Look at @theclearscientist on Instagram. It’s pretty impressive!

Actually 100k/day is by no means undoable. I actually have a framework for production like that if anyone’s interested


There are definitely labs doing more then that a day already.

Scaling is simple, economies of scale are not as straight forward but are understood well enough to gain an idea of where the market is going

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Oh yeah I’m not saying it’s undoable by any means - way more complicated chemical processes are carried out at huge scale.

I’m just surprised that these operations currently exist given the age of the industry and supply/demand.

I’m in TN and I’m not sure those numbers are accurate. Last I checked we had 3500 licenses not 6000. I dunno about the greenhouse numbers because I do know of some big greenhouses here doing hemp stuff. Zion farms and hgh seeds works with a very large greenhouse in middle TN

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I live in Southern Oregon, one of the most densely cultivated areas in the world for hemp. (correct me if I’m wrong please)

There is so much going to fucking waste this year, so much mold. So many farm failures, no harvest plan, no process plan.

There is a price crash imminent but in my eyes the market isn’t as bad as people are making it seem. Yes oil will be cheaper, but I would guestimate less than 1% is going to make shelf flower quality.


@trimplus If i’m not mistaken the ODA sent out an email blast. I’ve heard this from a lot of different places. The d9 loophole closes 2020, Liquidate your shelf flowers now

I remember hearing about this at some show in Portland, if not fixed it apparently makes most hemp in Oregon in violation or?

@alchemy my understanding is it’s legal to sell B2B, just not to the end consumer

@Phytoalchemy I agree farmers ticket to profitability is shelf flower, And yes its a bad time to be in the hemp industry if you’re in it for the wrong reasons trying to turn a quick profit. If you’re in it because you love the plant and know how to work with it. People are doing quite well.

And in general for this whole post, CBD is already priced atrociously high. People shouldnt be spending $100+ for 1000mg dropper bottles.

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Yeah that’s not cost though. Even if the prices stayed at 8000/kg, that would just be greed and all the people selling crappy products with $4 of CBD in them retail for $50 or more are disgusting


Yes exactly, while the wholesale market has been dropping precipitously the pricing at the retail level seems to be holding steady. So the consumer still isn’t winning unfortunately, only the manufacturers of retail products many of which are questionable to begin with.


100klbs a day are coming

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In my opinion (one based on Europe) any crash will come to some farms not registered or not usng certified seeds etc but overall theres still plenty of growth.
Yes, there may be over supply for a while because of the processing backlog, I am being asked to process all the time for farms in Europe but we cant cater to that, id need so much processing power for what is still a 10eu per kilo crop its scarey shit.
But, not that long ago we paid about the same price for a 20l c02 machine as we did more recently for 100l machines so tech itself can catch up hopefully. There is some good tech but because it is new its a premium price and that make sit unviable too. In fact these manufacturers should lease out these machines.
There will also be more companies get into processing because thast where the mark up is and generally farmers wanto to be farmers. Offer them a cple of dollars more than the beans thy are growing now and they are happy.
Also, client side, established business needs suppliers with not just this capability but with all the paperwork you can throw at themm gmp, pif, cnpc just a few i have had to aquire the last few years, along with the supply chain from field to product being secure for the foreseeable future. All of this is still the tip of the iceberg.

All the crap (isolates to me) can all go into kellogs cornflakes, much like they add vit C, tho they will also need that supply chain being perfect.

If it was a fad id be wary. But it isnt is it, it actually works, therefore its here to stay

I’m interested, lets get the conversation started.