CBD derived from limonene?

I read an article about taking terpenes from citrus fruits such as oranges and creating CBD from it.

A friend gave me a CBD edible and I saw the ingredients listed natural citrus terpenes

First I’ve heard of such a thing

Any thoughts on the matter?

Meh. I don’t yet believe that pulling limonene from orange peels then converting it to CBD is more efficient than pulling it from 15% biomass, but the Japanese are certainly happier that no cannabis is required.

This write up makes my skin crawl….

If we were growing hemp for fiber, or seed, CBD from a “waste product” would certainly be an option.

Might have to track down the patent


The article I googled was pushing the upside of the citrus. Almost seems a play to create more volitiuty in the market or big pharma to get their piece Screenshot_20221230-194329|225x500

Use this plant not that plant.

Because: pure!

Fuck that nonsense.


I agree. Natural substance I think would always be chosen over synthetic?

Definately interesting to see where this leads. I’m sure leading to big pharma

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Olivetol maybe but all those synth routes are unnesessary when several plants, fungus and algea make it naturally and are easily extracted.