CBD alcohol liquor

The negative effects have absolutely been proven-

The people who want to put CBD into whiskey, are not whiskey manufacturers- they are snake oil salesman and get rich quick carpetbaggers such as yourself.

And the list of damages to public health caused by people with intentions such as yours is a rich and storied past that can be traced back to the first laws ever etched into stone.

You know about how people used to put sand and sawdust into bread before the romans made an official bread recipe right?

Go infuse some cbd into someones yoga pants or paint it on a pillowcase or something, oil your taint, maybe fix up some cbd enema kits and sell them to angry teenagers- leave the fucking whiskey alone!


Thatā€™s reserved for CBN


The TTB wont approve it because WHISKEY is SACRED and your hands are PROFANE


You are now the sole reason I will get a CBD whiskey on shelves. Came looking for answers to an easy question, leave with another life mission. Ya never know what youā€™ll end up leaving this place with when you enter. Now I feel like I need an AIDS & probably COVID test too.


CBD and Whiskey crossover is almost as good as the Shrek/IT crossover.

This is your brand.

This is you.


Alcohol is poison, CBS isnā€™t gonna make it healthy and too much cbd can be toxic. From what Iā€™ve read you should never ingest more than a gram of cbd at a time.

Might end up killing shoenice if you come out with this bottle.


you CAN do this, just not legally. The same reason why you dont see liquor infused with 30mg of caffeine in each shot. There are so many reasons why this is unfeasible. Alcohol is an extremely regulated business as it is. Alcohol should just be alcohol on itā€™s own. Adding other substances will cause users to drink more for other effects. Not to mention it takes longer for cannabis to kick in than alochol. Some dumbass would get too loaded off the CBD liquor and become the first death associated with Cannabis.


Food for thought. Bought at a pop up. It was not straight liquor but more of a mixed drink


THC is a different thing. I could see people actually being that.

Shit, Iā€™d add a bunch of THC isolate to my bottle of johnny walker blue if it didnā€™t affect the mouth feel so much. Iā€™ve already tried infusing a small amount. Not bad but not as good as without it.

Do you guys have to breed cbd with every damn product on the face of the planet before you finally go away? This is just sick at this point, its not creative its gross, its desperate and weird, some sonichu chris chan shit


Wellā€¦ Thatā€™s was fun! Didnā€™t really learn anything new, and still donā€™t have a solid understanding for why it would never be approved.
Itā€™ll happen, just not tomorrow. Alcohol didnā€™t get where it is today over night. (Same as coffee, milk, cigarettes, abortion.) Itā€™s going to take some time (5-10 year window maybe?) to get to the point of it being acceptable and everywhere.

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I get what youā€™re saying, and some people Iā€™ve talked to say they take a CBD cocktail with other stuff as a hangover mix. A couple people swear by taking CBD tinctures while drinking to not get hangovers in tbe morning. I can see shitfits about THC in liquor but CBD is just another commodity to be used as an ingredient in whatever youā€™re doing. People use different spices while they cook for different health benefits, CBD is just another one.

And addicts are gonna addict no matter what it is. With any luck that would be the rock bottom someone would hit before getting sober. That same person is going to drink a handle of Hawkeye vodka per day regardless.

CBD lubeā€¦ helps with inflammation. Noodles shall be limp?

Itā€™s actually decent, itā€™s like mild icy hot.

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I mean if my shit was any shorter itā€™d be a dentā€¦fucking Irish curse


There was an episode where they put an ounce of Hemp/CBD flower into some shine: Tickle Experiments With CBD Infused Peach Brandy! | Moonshiners - YouTube

A great idea but terrible execution. This is bad flavor and not much CBD.

Four Loko has entered the chatā€¦

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Four loko exited the chat a long time ago


When you mix caffeine and malt liquor: people arenā€™t just stupid, they are aggressively stupid.


Whiskey and Cokeā€¦ bueller

I donā€™t see this as a smart mix but if youā€™re gonna take cbd and alcohol in the same day. The same logic applies. If consumed that way itā€™s going to the same place.

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