I’m working with a very high end company that is producing food-grade CBC Oil in a cGMP facility. Although synthetic, it’s bio-identical to plant based CBC at a fraction of the cost. With 96% CBC and in liquid form, this oil is perfect for Vape Applications. It will not crystallize.
As shown on CBD Oil Review, CBC is effective at reducing inflammation and pain, can reduce depression, shows promise for protecting brain cells from damage and it may be an effective and preventative acne treatment.
Please call/text me at 727-543-3419 with questions or if you’d like a White Paper or a COA.
So it could be used to prevent vapes from crystallizing? What would it cost to put .4-.5g of this in a vape? $10? I am interested it just sounds expensive
Like anything else, it depends on volume. For .4-.5g, you could be looking at $5 or less. It gets even more cost-effective when you formulate it with CBD.
10 gram samples are available for $300. The other 4% is primarily CBT and CBN. If you give me your email address, I’ll send you a price list and a COA.