Cat's Victory Garden Along--Fall and Winter Gardening Tips

More info for you above.

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Thank you, I currently use territorial seeds and have their growing veggies west of the cascades book!

I have never collected seed from anything i have grown but am happy to try it this season!

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I believe their book has a seed saving section. If not, check out Siskiyou seeds for their seed saving booklet (It’s like $6 or something)

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I prefer Baker Creek for my seed shopping @thesk8nmidget and @Sidco_Cat. The catalog is over 500 pages long and full of the most amazing heirloom seeds from around the world. Territorial is great too, and I have enjoyed working with them in the past (they’re 30ish minutes from where we live). They are good people. Baker Creek just has more of what I’m looking for.

Really though, check out Baker Creek. You won’t be disappointed.

Also, @thesk8nmidget, I’m always happy to share the plants that have worked best over our years of gardening here in Eugene. We still need to link up.


I also order from Baker Creek. Amazing selection. I am trying for Art Combe’s Ancient Watermelon. <3

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If anyone is interested in saving tomato seeds, the seed gel must be removed, through either fermentation or oxidation. Fermenters leave their seeds in water about a week until a mold layer grows on top. I use oxy clean. Squeeze out seeds into a cup. The ratio is a cup of water to a tablespoon of oxy clean. Mix well and let sit about an hour, then spray off seeds in a strainer and tap onto a piece of wax paper. They need to be in a cabinet to dry, away from any flies. As soon as they dry, they are good to go. Rub the clumps apart if they stick together