CartFarmer K4 Cart Filler for sale

Item Model/Manufacturer: Cart Farmer K4 Cart Filler
Description: CF-K4 Electronically Assisted Cart Farmer - The filler that wooks crave
Price: $2400
Current location of item: Clearwater, FL
Estimated lead time: Day after payment, or same day if paid before 11am EST.
Fulfillment: Direct from seller

CartFarmer K4 Photos

Have some BBTank disposable samples & AbstraxTech terps I can throw in.

Edit: Homogenizer SOLD
Also have a homogenizer available.
Item Model/Manufacturer: CAT 1000 Unidrive Homogenizer
Description: Cart Farm X 1000 UNIDrive Homogenizer & G20V Shaft

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Would be interested In your K4 machine if I knew I wouldn’t get scammed trying to buy. I already own 1 K4.

I’ve worked with @norbert for 3 years now he’s a straight shooter.

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Bump .

Bump .


Homogenizer sold

Still have the k4 text me 9738032895

Is the cf-k4 still availble? I messaged you