Cartfarm1000 leaking

I just recently bought cartfarmer 1000 and I’m having issues with some leaking down the hose

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tear it down, clean it out real nice with iso, rebuild it and heat it up with the nut hand tight, once it comes to heat tighten the nut again. Thermals likely pushed your fitting loose, or you tightened it cold.


i would try and tape the fitting and bottom of the resi a little better as well. heat rises, and its better applied at the bottom.


I took apart the gun due to the fact it now was t suctioning back up properly and very stiff to point I was having resistance doing it manually and now I’m have issue connecting the post back in

Did you call cartfarmer? They are seriously helpful… just call him and I bet he talk you through it…


Hey yo @qma you got some forum work today champ.
Got two threads from this guy.

He needs your white glove treatment

Should probably ask a mod to merge his two help threads too after you resolve his hot mess.

Thank you @ky_cbd

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Not sure where take post down but I got in contact and figured everything out that you

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You truely believe it’s an issue no one else will ever have?

Then why take it down?

Why not tell folks

A) how you solved it
B) how quickly.


A): It was just a difficult connection to make with the piston and the plunger, so he had to dissasemble the gun, eject the plunger, reattach, then reassemble

B): it was a 4 minute facetime call

The real takeaway is the importance of maintenance at the end of runs. Pour 50ml high purity alcohol into your reservoir and pump it all through your dispenser at the end of a run to remove excess solvent. Dissasemble your dispenser and wipe down all contact surfaces with lint free paper towels and q-tips (where you can’t reach)


It doesn’t look like you have any Ptfe tape wrapped around the part that screws in the bottom of the res

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I had one of those hoses snap at the fitting after using it for years, took mine out and got a hose barb fitting and i just use that. A bit more sturdy imo, love the farmer unit.

that appears to be a compression fitting on the bottom of that reservoir in which case that would not require any tape. I would break down the system, clean it and re assemble making sure that all fittings are tight but not too tight. You dont need to CRANK down on any compression fittings or else you risk damaging those seals.


Hello! We no longer use compression fittings on the cart farmer because people kept disassembling them and ruining them. We use quick connects that ABSOLUTELY need a good cranking or thread tape


There is always a better idiot out there…


Ptfe tape or “plumbers tape” is standard on any fitting like that.

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Tape is not standard for a compression fitting and without seeing the threads the reservoir you cant tell what it is… But at first glance it sure looked like a compression nut and ferrule. where as the fitting thats connected from the hose to the dispenser gun looks like a standard NPT fitting as they’re clearly visually different.

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The OEM says it best…