Anyone else feel cart farm is shilled? Purchased 2 1000s because everybody here “loves it so much” haven’t gotten a single one to work once, played with every variable imaginable and his customer support ended with being ignored after answering once or twice… plus the tutorials are not clear at all seeing how there’s differences between the tutorial version and the current version. If I’m the 1 in 100,000 customer then let me know I’m open to being wrong but manually filling these fucking carts the only thing that works surefire and in a way I don’t lose countless live resin grams to coating the inside of this stainless steel trash (and yes I bought the special tubes he recommended)
The 250 gun works great fills as fast as a human can pull
Cart farmer is jank, but it’s the best jank out there for a semi gun. Takes some practice to get good filling carts.
Sofar Manuel is crushing it seeing as it can’t do anything yet, the best I get is the material barely barely filling the gun and it’s foamed or aerated to all hell for some reason
Fill hotter and wrap your lines better.
Give 80 C a try
If it doesn’t work I’ll get on a call with you and make it work
I’ve had leaks/maintenance issues/jank to adjust on the fly. But it fills fast once you get the hang of it
If I have to fill under 250 I just do it by hand. Over 1000 a batch and you really start to see the speed.
I’ve gone to 112 line and 90 res and it’s wrapped super tight exactly like the video, I’ve contemplated wrapping it in electrical tape do you suggest hotter? I took a qp live resin terp mixed it with half a l then mixed and have reintroduced 2g terp per 75g
Honestly people will disagree with me here but you’re around 2%, you can go as high as 8-9% as long as your clients aren’t hating you for noseburn.
The only reason you’d have the chamber act like that is if there’s a vacuum (or you sealed the chamber) or your distillate is too cold to move at normal speed causing the piston to act as a high vac on the distillate that is actually making it to the filling chamber.
5-7% to avoid nose burn, seems like 2% is too low although I’m used to making disty carts. Live resin could aerate easier.
I got orders to fill and plenty a wools to work but haven’t been able to adjust it yet everytime I play with it it gets me nada
I could see the vacuum thing for sure, but
But I put a qp of terps alr in half a l then I introduced other terps to give slight flavor variations you wouldn’t count the terps from the live res? I thought I was more at like 25 27% counting the res
This is a great point. Are you using liquid and watery botanical mixes or thick HTE? Because for syrupy HTE 2% is absolutely way too low for the majority of hardware.
Am I missing something did you say hte somewhere?
Very thick but I didn’t want to crush my flav if I go higher outside terp I felt like it wouldn’t taste like resin anymore
2g per 75g botanical super water
Then the res is very thick plus it’s very very cold where I’m at
No that’s why. You need more like 20% HTE.
If I understand correctly your formula is:
112g live resin
500g disty
2g terps for each 75g
It would really depend on the terp % in the resin as to if it would be viscous enough to push through CF
I’m a bit below then if we ballpark 612 being final product after res and dist only 18.30%
But after botanical addition I’m adding 3.33% at 2.5g so I’m floating around 21.63 at best,
Edit I have hella botanicals I could add but feel I’ll mask the flavor then it’s more of a distillate feeling cart this is my first forgo into live res obviously I usually do like you said 8-9% in my dist carts and people love them
It was terps given to me to pair with my diamond purchase it used to be a bit more viscous but over time it got harder more of a solid consistency
Sounds like your sauce has lost a good percentage of the lighter compounds it started with. To prevent this in the future store your HTEs and Terpenes in bottles that don’t have a lot of headspace in a cool, dark place. To remedy your current situation you may need to add more terps than you were previously, probably only as much as 1-3% more. Start small and work your way up to what works for you.
Your issues with the farmer definitely sound like they are related to temperature and/or viscosity. You’ve referenced a temperature once, but did you mean C or F?
C, but yeah I think your right improper storage is the main issue for why it solidified plus age thanks everybody for chiming in turns out it’s likely that I am stupid in this situation
Try hitting the syringe needle and glass part with a heat gun, that will most likely solve your issue