Cart Farmer 250 issue and questions

Tried using a cf250 to fill carts tonight. I got the 5ml gun I put in 100 grams of live resin and heated it up to 130f-175f (60-90c) on tank and up to 175f on the line heat cord. I get an air sound from the needle tip and a tiny bit of dabs comes out every 2-3 trigger pulls. The 5ml syringe won’t ever fill when priming. Followed tutorial on putting together and use.

Do you think the viscosity is too low of product? It was pretty chunky sugary, but a good amount of terps. I heated it up before putting it in tank in an oven for 8 minutes at 150 and it turned pretty liquid like in the tank when I raised temp to 80c+. It took forever to make 2 carts. When I tried higher temps to test I know I hurt terps, but I had to see if it was the issue.

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Did you load sugar into the reservoir, or did you decarb first?


You are gonna have a really bad time carting thca with a cart farmer. You are better off using a smaller reservoir (like a glass syringe and poverty farmer) so you have time to heat the dispenser to 115c between batches


No it’s not the viscosity, it’s the granularity/partial size distribution .In order for the check valves to work they need to seal. You’ve made that impossible.

What makes you think your material is gonna work in a cart as is?

Have you tried it?!?

I recommend you Decarb under pressure to retain terps?


Is there a way to recoup this thing? I definitely tried a different method this time and should have just completely decarbed it I suppose. That is what I did the first time I just felt it was probably liquid enough but after trying to clean it out clearly it wasn’t.

I put 99% iso in the tank and it has been sitting there at 60c and nothing through gun at all after 15 minutes. Did I just bork the line or gun? I guess I should have tried to run diluent through it first to make sure it flowed at all.

I can see bubbling action at this point still no sign of alcohol coming through gun but maybe a gram of live resin over the last hour. Not sure if I should buy a new line and gun or let it sit on for awhile with alcohol in it. Anyone ever done this before lol? Knew I should have just done what I did before hah.

Okay so incase someone else is dumb enough to try this just turn the heat on high after dredging out what product you can then add alcohol and when bubbles start to show it should clear up after pulling the trigger enough. I have only done this once but be patient took me like over an hour. I kept checking by pulling the trigger peridocally through out. The more bubbles coming in the tank the closer it was to clearing it seems.

  1. Alcohol kept running through the gun whether the trigger was held down or not. Is this normal? Will product come out of it continuosly as well or is there a way to relieve pressure so you can pause?

  2. I also found a slow drip of alcohol coming out of the quick connect. I wonder if this contributed to the clog? As chunky as this stuff is I know it would have done it either way for sure.

The problem is you’re not getting solvent exposure to the thca. I suggest pulling everything apart & soak it in 99% iso overnight, then rinse it off with clean iso & reassemble.

I had this problem when we were just starting out, @cyclopath advice is spot on. You need to decarb your hash before stuffing it in the farmer and he has given you the best answer possible


My advise would be to completely disassemble the gun and clean everything. It sounds like you may have some solids jamming up the check valves.

Once your back to square one and have a functional gun I’d advise not putting anything solid through it in the future. Decarb that stuff entirely or at the very least make sure everything is melted down and homogenized before loading.

Ime you can go pretty damn hot on your heat tape to get the solution to flow. Once you start filling don’t stop otherwise you may need a heat gun to get it cranking again


I second what @ky_cbd says. Then… sometimes you gotta crank the heat up initially to get the apperatus nice and toasty (especially in the tubing), then you can turn the heat down once you have a smooth operation flowing. A helpful hint: depending on the viscosity of the mixture, sometimes you cannot just release the plunger [for the syringe] back super fast; you have to slowly let the gun fill up before dispensing or air bubbles will start popping off and its not an accurate fill. Think of letting the clutch off slowly in a manual car.

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Really appreciate the help on something I knew I shouldn’t have tried in the first place lol. Sometimes I just have to touch the fire to learn.

I am going to do as cyclo says and also cut it like I did last time with some HTE or distillate. I did 30% dist the first time to a sugar base totally decarbed and it worked great. I think HTE would be best and I will decarb the base and add the hte afterwards and I think that will give it enough fluidity to work.

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Hello :slight_smile: I Have a Cart Farmer CF250 also. I believe I had the same issue you may be having. If you have used the unit before and cleaned it double check you installed the check valve properly in the gun/ syringe part of the unit. This sounds silly but I had mine screwed in backwards and it looked like totally natural… I had hours of frustration until I reached Ian the owner.

P.S. I as able to reach him on a holiday week end great customer service!


First time I had ever used it so the gun was never taken apart. My base was just way too chunky. I knew it, but didn’t want to hurt terps and babied it too much. I thought leaving it in the cartfarmer at high enough temp would thin it out more than my 165f ‘decarb’ which was clearly not long enough.

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