Is it legal to have someone other than me to grow for me?
Medical necessaries moved me tp small town in city limits.
I’ve lived on 80 rural acres for 40 yrs. now small rent house
In very small town. Had to move by my kids and grandkids.
Not growing has me in a bad headspace. I grew mainly sativas made hash and loved life. Now seroquel until I can find answers on growing and I’m looking for a rso angel. Don’t want the seroquel if I could afford rso.
So I’m around Stratford Ada area. I’m gonna approach a couple of people around but don’t know what I’m asking in terms of legality. Thanks
Afaik, a caregiver license does not exist. You can grow 12 with your med card but there is no mechanism in place for someone else to do it for you or increase the plant count above 12 unless you go commercial.
If you are close to OKC, you can find stupidly cheap meds. One company I watch to see just how low the bottom is touching is Solace Meds.
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Thanks for the answer. I checked omma website.
Remember these in other states.
I just really like my strain. Just spoiled.
Yes, you can absolutely have a caregiver in Oklahoma.
Thanks @TheGratefulPhil with reading and understand t&cs.
So growing and rso hopeful again.
So Back on the table… Anyone close ?
I hate missing these spring rain
we have had lately. Definitely makes a person feel good.