Career Direction for Recent Grad

Im not quite sure if ive posted this in the correct category, but I was wondering if someone could put out some advice pertaining to a recent graduate wanting to enter the cannabis industry and/or in government regulation. I am a recent graduate and majored in environmental science. I did some research into environmental toxicology looking at the toxicity and persistence of heavy metals in aquatic systems; which i found to be highly relevant when we talk about heavy metal contamination of biomass whether its from soil composition or pesticide applications. So I have found some relevance within cannabis

Currently I work for a cannabis tek manufacturer/distributor and so Ive had the opportunity to gain a slightly broad insight of the industry. In addition, ive had numerous opportunities to get hands on with extraction, distillation, and refinement. As someone who wants to continue with a masters I find myself stuck in how to navigate within the industry with hopes of effectively applying graduate school with the needs of the industry. Im open minded in seeking a career in a more technical lab environment and/or looking at governmental agencies who will eventually increase their scope on newly recreational states.


Find a grower who will stick you up on a hill with a few hundred plants for 1/4 of the crop. Avoid helicopters and tweakers
Enjoy the isolation and self reflection
Learn about plants
Move along

Or if you are aiming for a legit lab environment I’d check for the whole state you are in. Option 1 is something you’ll never forget though


What exactly are you asking? Sounds to me like you are smoothing a couple topics together.

Are you asking about how to juggle grad school with a job or how to get a new job/career change or how to get promoted to a different position in the same career or if to should go to grad school or ??!?

The best advice I have overall is to kick ass at whatever task at hand even if it sucks and you don’t like it but I dunno if you needed to hear that

Be willing to accept that many people won’t care in the slightest that you have a degree. At first I had an issue getting potential employers to look at me and after 7 years of having my degree it has become easier to find job options since this degree is now paired with some real experience. Definitely bring it up in an interview, but choose your words wisely if you decide to lead with that.

Since you already have a cannabis gig, be willing to stick it out and gain some useful experience in what you want to do, maybe in the future find a company willing to finance your masters. Make and maintain as many genuine connections as possible. Find a school that is willing to let you do your master’s work on cannabis.

There’s too much that one could do in the cannabis industry, just find a problem in the niche that interests you and become the best at solving it. The money will follow, and if not then at least you are doing what you enjoy.

P.S. Government jobs will likely give you the good ol’ random UAs so unless that is protected in your state, go private.


couldn’t agree more ^^^

gotta be able to swallow your pride and take orders from someone who you are probably smarter than, at least for a little. Show your value and show you got some skin in the game, and you will progress quickly.

the knowledge you acquired gaining your degree will absolutely help differentiate you from others over time, but always be humble and pay your dues. people want dedicated team members more than just anyone who has a degree. @jvstin.svn


More like avoid google earth. Lol

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When I first starting working at my current job I absolutely felt like I was back in school. Of course my degree gave me a strong background, but I really had to take the time to connect the dots and gain the experience to guide me further into the industry. I for sure want to stick around here and im sure along the way ill find that niche. Thanks for the advice!

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great advice. In my department im sort of the underdog since I dont have an engineering background while everyone else does. Since day 1 ive been a sponge and ive done my research in and outside the workplace. Had I not taken the time to live and breath research, I would be way behind in my progress. Its so relevant when you say you have to swallow your pride. There hadnt been a new team member hired in a while until i came. The first few months I had people starting to boss me around and treat me overall poorly. I definitely had the last laugh since the bullies dont have a job here anymore :slight_smile:

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Haha, isn’t it funny how that works?!
People usually get tired of those dudes that like to swing their dicks around, pretty quickly.

Just keep gettin after it man and show that you’re valuable. Time will start to fly by and before you know it, you’ll be the one giving orders (respectfully lol)


that toxicology background would definitely help out w/ analytics!

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