Can't seem to achieve a golden color with my D8 on my wiper

Yes phosforic acid on ethanol for the reaction and then a solvent transfer to an alkane after the rxn and a few times treu B80 bentonite with extreme soft solvent recovery circumstances will make almost water clear you only notice the yellow heu at certain agnels and it lacks the prism effect more than water clear

Wait after the rxn what did you do ???
You quenched the reaction and washed the water soluble Lewis acid out with water correct ??

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didn’t use the base to wash out… maybe that is a problem…
used Amerlyst for try out…in this way, still have color issue…

Maybe this is an interesting question: what caused the color?

there may be some possibilities:

  1. impurities in CBD isolate, pigment, hard to remove during crystallization process.

  2. CBD/D8/D9 Oxidation?

  3. CBD reduction during the isomerization/conversion process

Not sure which one is the reason? or maybe it is a mixed process?

if 1 is the only case, then if we use pure enough CBD isolate for isomerization, we should be able to receive water clear D8 without the need of distillation?

Considering gcms is ppb and kca is the best lab in the country id definitely consider the results of 1000mg/g accurate which means its due to oxidation not impurities

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Good point :+1::+1: