Can't find verified consultants

Tbh I think you should be a consultant and I’m sure you can be verified. Your knowledge of carts is more extensive than most people and I seen a few post where people echoed your name for cart production capaitilties. You always answered.

A consultant shouldn’t be based solely on concentrations. It’s many levels to the game. Take the perspective of a person who landed a fat cart contract and needed to know what the cost of equipment, suggestion on carts, recipe, and number of new hires. Than on top of all that they need to send this info to there investor immedatly bc production starts in a few days. This info could be immedatly obtain by you.

They have a few more members on here with the same attributes for there particular field.

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Yeah i agree. It might actually be a good idea to have some kind of category system for consultants. Although ideally, the talent of a really good consultant should include being able to draw in outside expertise as needed.

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i agree y’all need to work with each other. If the client have multiplie issuses than y’all should bill them accordingly and break bread with who ever helped you. Also if that exact knowledge is needed again for a different client than the other consultant should still get a royalty. It’s the honest system but also one for nobody to have a monopoly. The last thing y’all want to happen is somebody in y’all group give informative advice. Y’all will all lose. If one of y’all can’t keep an honest royalty system in the end they will lose.

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Maybe we could try and set up some kind of consulting firm with people selected from this site. We’re all located in diverse places so it would be easy to send someone onsite wherever and whenever the job was and they could do remote consulting with the others to contribute extra knowledge


I can be the official weed tester.


Dibs on bho consult

I’m proficient at lab equipment repairs,
Supply chain management,
And Public Relations

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Id like to be verified :wink:

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