
HP sauce is the truth

I remember lot of legal market companies distilling un-winterized crude and how fatty and lipidy it was. Disturbed me.

Someone gets it!


how nasty and gummy distilling fat distillation on a wiper

Distilling crude unwinterized feedstock on a KD30

Turns out I don’t have photos of the wax distillation experiment. I know who has the final product, which was supposed to be used in beauty products, but probably never was. I don’t speak with them anymore so sorry, gotta take my word that it works! :kissing_heart:


VTA support tells me running unwinterized oil and fats is fine as long as the feedstock was/is BHO.

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You can always try to redissolve that in ethanol and filter it through some activated carbon.

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At many legal companies, repeatedly destroying your wiper due to lipids and sugars is an “unavoidable mystery that no one can solve”

And a water wash? What’s that?


What process leaves behind the best chance at decent candle wax with the easiest clean up?

If anyone has any waxes that might fit this bill you should post them here for op, plus I’d be interested as well

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Every job needs a dinglehopper



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it’s all in the wrist

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very cool!! i absolutely LOVE seeing viable products being made out of byproducts, after all our entire industry started by making use of a byproduct of trimming buds.

how’s the smoke factor on these? do they produce comparably ‘clean’ smoke to a normal candle? always wondered about that point

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How much are they selling for?

No, haha, these are regular candles as incentive to see what sort of wax might be right for good candles. The first few are soy, I think some beeswax.


my bad, i guess i was referring to the candle made from waste in the OP

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Oh, haha I still agree w you on that

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We’ve found that candle makers using bee’s wax can usually switch to hemp wax without any issues. The main thing we found is that if you re dissolve your waxes (re-winterize it) you can clean up the color quite a bit. I have waxes here at the shop that are almost white (I’m happy to snap a shot next time we are messing with it). The pic above was taken from one of our test blocks…

As a co2 processor we work hard to keep waxes out of our cannabinoid solution but would definitely turn the pressures up to get more waxes if there’s a market for it. I’m happy to send samples out to anyone who’s interested and willing to cover shipping costs. (I can get to it next week towards the end of the week) - just shoot me a dm!


Problem solved, lol

Except for the terps

I’m letting it cure for a week but will update this thread with video and description. Thanks for following!


Soy wax is realllllly nice for candles, good marketing too! If anyone needs hemp wax, let me know. We have a ton. It just needs to be purged because it contains some residual ethanol.