Cannabis will help avoid COVID-19

The “Camo Dudes” will be coming to a neighborhood near you…soon!


Has anyone, that you know directly, been tested for COVID-19?

True story: On Tuesday, 3/17, My daughter was admitted to the hospital for coughing, fever and difficulty breathing. She was tested for flu and other viruses, but not COVID. She was discharged on 3/19 (not really better).

She was told that they didn’t want to waste the resources.

Ohio has a drive-thru test site, but will only test you with a doctor’s order. The physicians at the hospital even refused to write that recommendation.

I guess that my family is not important enough. We are neither rich, nor famous.

Seems like people with a lot of money have no problem at all, getting tested.

Government officials, sports stars and movie people just buy their way in, while regular people sit by, with dread and worry.

Got a lot of money, you can get tested, but if you are a regular person, forget it. That is, unless you are near dead, then you can find out for sure what is killing you.

There is a major chasm in the testing of those with massive resources and those without. The difference between the rich and the poor becomes more obvious by the day.


Or we could setup a network of drones for a delivery service.


I had a similar experience in Michigan. Didn’t have difficulty breathing until the day after testing. Luckily it was influenza A. They told me if the initial tests came back negative I could come sit in line for two hours again and see if the test me.

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This whole experience is surreal.

It feels like a slow-motion zombie apocalypse, without the zombies.

I’m not saying that it is time to board up all the windows, but I do have a serious urge to measure them, and go buy the wood now…before all of it sells out too and while my area is not yet on lockdown.

If businesses stay closed long enough, the owners will eventually reinforce their security. There will be a run on wood (especially plywood), hardware and tools…just like during every crisis.


Too late…Ohio went on lockdown today (3/22)…no wood for me, waited too long.

Got a delivery (probably my last, for a while) from my WeedMan, last night. Many thanks to them. Now I can be slightly numb, as I watch the world melt.

We (Ohio) go on lock down tomorrow 2/23 at midnight

Who’s we? Everyone in the us?

@Badcookieextracts is referring to Ohio.

The order was issued today, but will become effective at Midnight on Monday 3/23.

I only found this after reading the actual order.

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Yeah I happen to know that @bholdman and I are in the same state

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I’m in the one to the north.

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I was aware of that also :wink: you roll a fine cannagar sir


Well, I am infected with something.

Inconvenient timing, for our pandemic. Now I just get to wait and see, is it a cold, the flu, pollen or COVID.

Worst part is that I can’t smoke any more. I rarely cough when taking a hit. Now I can’t handle even a tiny hit…instant coughing fit.

I don’t really see how being intelligent is connected to having a good immune system…:thinking:

I’m Still working. But when I catch covid and can’t work and am no longer of value to capitalists and then they tell me to stay home I think I’ll drive to the nice neighborhood where they can afford time off and start spitting on doorknobs.

Do you think that landscaping is included as an essential service? After all, someone needs to take care of the golf courses, or the rich people won’t have any place to play.

BTW, there have been reports that say that “serious” COVID has an 8 day timeframe. That is 4 days from the appearance of symptoms, to the disease escalating to “intensive care level”, then over the following 4 days, it progresses to death.

I think every state will make their own call, idk about yours. But I did see that Louisiana included landscaping as essential.

I just thought of something weird.

There has been tests that show coronavirus can exist for up to 3 days on hard surfaces.

Will it survive for any significant time on hair, specifically mustache and beard hair?

I assume that it will exist for a long time, considering that hair is organic, and it is located in a warm place.

Big bushy beards and mustaches could be serving as a reservoir.


3 days on a surface, 3 weeks on a cruise ship


Now its 6-14 days on surfaces.

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