Cannabis TIssue Culture - a quick guide

Awesome, are using the gene gun on tissue and the replicate it/ make callus of the transformed tissue? Have you tried the floral dip + cultivation of the transgenenetic offspring? Maybe that would be faster than growing out the tissue (?). I’m just beginning to venture into this kind of “special” tc so all my suggestions aren’t validated and just for curiosity :smiley:


I can say that the guy was heavily into xraying hemp… What he produced was mutants with a lethal outcome after couple of weeks…

Trying to control something specific wuth xrays is a needle in the helix…

But the gene gun… Now thats what im talking bout :))) )


What would you want to fuse with cannabis or just within the genus?

Haha yeah, but I like mutagenesis if you have enough budget/lab size, you can really find some unique stuff^^ but what implication that has for smoking has to be determined yet

Start with whitin genus, hops definetly. Than try to get it into a tree.

Celtis ocidentalis mix perhaps…

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Ill find out, cant remember what he was trying to achieve…

From my perspective and cross polination of the same female, combining different male pollens on the same stigma is also promising :slight_smile:


Yeah, a lot of interesting directions. I want to head into stacking polyploidy. Like treating a already triploid cultivar like Mac #1 with kolchizin and maybe get hexaploid off spring which you can selectivly breed as I dont think it will produce good cultivation results.