Cannabis terpenes from Hemp?!?

This is part of a larger discussion: there are a bunch of folks selling hemp terpenes, and lot of folks who define cannabis derived terpenes to both “cannabis” and “hemp”. others that “all hemp tastes bad”.

There are absolutely genetic differences between the cannabis varieties we use to get high, and the ones we use for fiber. strangely enough the ones we’re calling “hemp” to harvest CBD from fall are more closely related to strains developed for their cannabinoid content than those developed for their fiber content…so if we want to to smell like “cannabis” we can absolutely get there. if we leverage the available sequence data (did you explore the click bait?) rather than grow out 10 million female plants, grow them to maturity and huff them to see if we won the lottery, we can speed up the breeding process.

the key is being able to define what “win” looks like. ie what genes do we need? I don’t know. but I’ve got a decent idea how to figure that out, and know there are lots of others who can too.

then you need to figure out what that “jackpot” means for sample size and DNA pooling strategies. you’ll also want to collect “partial wins” and analyze your data for linkage that might not have been available from the public assemblies.