Cannabis Science Conference PDX 4/20

Anyone going?


The one in longbeach was pretty disappointing…

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Whats the blackjack situation like? :wink:

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Yeah that was ass. The ones I’ve been to in Portland over the years have had a much larger show floor and much better speaker lineups. I’ve got comped tickets so there’s a couple talks I’m going to try and attend Including one by someone at @kcalabs


Our Scientific Director, Dr. Richard Sams, is speaking about D8-THC testing. Check out his presentation and say hello.


Shit… send me a link if it’s about d8 and from KCA LOL.


Now that it’s $250L starting :wink:

I’m really curious and caring :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I’m in PDX, it might even be sunny :sunglasses:

I thought it was going to be like $30.

If anyone has a hall and / or talks pass they can’t use, I’d really like to talk.

My net worth is roughly the equivalent of the last figure. Will trade KNF homegrown!

I had a terrific time in 2019, or whenever Ed Rosenthal was there. If anyone just wants to tailgait after their 420 shopping, that’d be just as well.

Conferences are about who you bump into on the coffee breaks anyways.

Will you be recording his talk? I would absolutely love to hear what he has to say!


Oh I meant the last session, before COVID.

I don’t have recording capabilities, my phone has no space and it’d sound terrible.

Best I could try for would be an autographed copy of a book snagged at Powell’s before attending.

Wish they live streamed like defcon or ccc.

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I got the chance to speak with Dr. Sams on the phone recently, and the man is wicked smaht. Would love to hear what he says at the panel. Curious if Ryan at @kcalabs would be able to record it for the east coast homies!


These declined so badly. The first one had like gourmet catered meals, free alcohol, etc, and I just watched the quality deteriorate with each passing event. I actually forgot this one was even happening and I live in PDX. Plus it’s the same booths every time it feels like. That said I might still stop by.


Unfortunately, I’m not going to be there. It would have to be an official recording from the event.

I may be able to get his slides.


Would love to check out anything you got!